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(Consolidated up to 99/2006)


Insurance Act


Table of Contents

Administrative Penalties

                1       Prescribed provisions

                2       Notice of administrative penalty

                3       Amount of penalty

                4       Interest

Compensation Associations

            5, 6       Designation of compensation association

Repeals, Expiry and Coming into Force

                7       Repeal

                8       Expiry

                9       Coming into force


Administrative Penalties

Prescribed provisions

1(1)  Subject to subsection (2) the Minister may give a notice of administrative penalty under section 789 of the Act in respect of

                                 (a)    a provision of the Act if the Act makes the contravention of that provision an offence, or

                                 (b)    any of the provisions of the regulations that are listed in the Schedule to this Regulation.

(2)  The Minister shall not give a notice of administrative penalty to a holder or former holder of a certificate of authority in respect of any act or omission if the Minister also has a remedy against the holder or former holder under section 480 of this Act in respect of that act or omission.

Notice of administrative penalty

2   A notice of administrative penalty must contain the following information:

                                 (a)    the name of the person required to pay the administrative penalty;

                                 (b)    particulars of the contravention;

                                 (c)    the amount of the administrative penalty and the time by which it must be paid.

Amount of penalty

3   The amount of an administrative penalty shall be determined by the Minister, who shall take into account the following factors:

                                 (a)    the seriousness of the contravention;

                                 (b)    the importance of the regulatory scheme of compliance with the provision;

                                 (c)    the degree of wilfulness or negligence in the contravention;

                                 (d)    whether or not there was any mitigation relating to the contravention;

                                 (e)    whether or not steps have been taken to prevent reoccurrence of the contravention;

                                  (f)    whether or not the person who receives the notice of administrative penalty has a history of non‑compliance;

                                 (g)    whether or not the person who receives the notice of administrative penalty has derived any economic benefit from the contravention;

                                 (h)    any other factors that, in the opinion of the Minister, are relevant.


4(1)  If an administrative penalty is not paid by the date specified in the notice, the person to whom the notice was given is liable for the payment of interest on the unpaid amount at the rate of 12% per year, running from the due date until the administrative penalty is fully paid.

(2)  An unpaid administrative penalty together with unpaid interest constitutes a debt owing to the Crown and may be recovered in an action in debt.

Compensation Associations

Designation of compensation association

5(1)  The Property and Casualty Insurance Compensation Corporation is designated as a compensation association for the following classes of insurance:

                                 (a)    automobile insurance;

                                 (b)    boiler and machinery insurance;

                                 (c)    fire insurance;

                                 (d)    inland transportation insurance;

                                 (e)    livestock insurance;

                                  (f)    public liability insurance;

                                 (g)    plate glass insurance;

                                 (h)    property damage insurance;

                                  (i)    sprinkler leakage insurance;

                                  (j)    theft insurance;

                                 (k)    weather insurance;

                                  (l)    legal expense insurance;

                                (m)    loss of employment insurance in respect of policies issued by a property and casualty company;

                                 (n)    accident and sickness insurance in respect of policies issued by a property and casualty company that is also licensed to offer other classes of insurance;

but those classes do not include crop insurance, directors’ and officers’ insurance or errors and omissions insurance.

(2)  In subsection (1),

                                 (a)    “crop insurance” means insurance against the loss of, or damage to, crops in the field caused by drought, flood, hail, wind, frost, lightning, excessive rain, snow, hurricane, tornado, wildlife, fire, insect infestation, plant disease or other peril;

                                 (b)    “directors’ and officers’ insurance” means an undertaking by an insurer

                                           (i)    to indemnify the directors and officers of a corporation in respect of losses resulting from any claim against them for a negligent or wrongful act, or

                                          (ii)    to indemnify a corporation for losses for which the corporation is required or permitted by law to indemnify its directors and officers in respect of claims against them, for negligent or wrongful acts;

                                 (c)    “errors and omissions insurance” means an undertaking by an insurer to pay on behalf of an insured amounts that the insured is legally obligated to pay as damages because of an act, error or omission of the insured or of any other person for whose acts, errors or omissions the insured is legally responsible, arising out of the performance or intended performance of professional services for others or a failure to perform professional services that ought to have been performed in the insured’s professional capacity, other than medical services for another person.

Designation of compensation association

6   The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Compensation Corporation is designated as a compensation association for the following classes of insurance:

                                 (a)    life insurance in respect of policies of that class issued by a life company other than a mutual benefit society or a fraternal society;

                                 (b)    accident and sickness insurance in respect of policies issued by a life company or by a property and casualty insurer licensed to offer accident and sickness insurance only;

                                 (c)    loss of employment insurance in respect of policies issued by a life company.

Repeals, Expiry and Coming into Force


7   The Compensation Associations and Classes of Insurance Regulation (AR 282/88) is repealed.


8   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on April 30, 2016.

AR 129/2001 s8;99/2006

Coming into force

9   This Regulation comes into force on the coming into force of any section of the Insurance Act (SA 1999 cI‑5.1).


Regulatory Provisions in Respect of Which an
Administrative Penalty is Payable

1   Provincial Companies Regulation

                                          - sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7(1) and 14(2) and (3).

2   Replacement of Life Insurance Contracts Regulation

                                          - sections 2, 8 and 10.

3   Insurance Agents and Adjusters Regulation

                                          - sections 15(3), 18(2) and 28.

4   Fair Practices Regulation (AR 128/2001)

                                          - sections 2, 3 and 5(3).

5   Repealed AR 99/2006 s3.

6   Automobile Insurance Premiums Regulation

                                          - sections 2, 3, 5(4), 9, 10, 11 and 12.

AR 129/2001 Sched.;382/2003;124/2004;99/2006

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