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Tax and Revenue Administration
2005 Client Survey Results

Released: February 24, 2006
Produced by: Alberta Finance, Tax and Revenue Administration
For more information: tra.revenue@gov.ab.ca



Individual client survey results listed below are portable data format (pdf) documents. You will need Acrobat Reader to open or print these documents.  If you do not have Acrobat Reader, click on the yellow icon to download this program for free.


Alberta Finance, Tax and Revenue Administration (TRA), conducts an annual survey to determine the satisfaction of its clients (the people who deal with TRA) with its administration of the tax and rebate programs and with client costs to comply with the relevant legislation. The survey also provides space for comments and suggestions. Overall results of the surveys are included as performance measures in Alberta Finance's business plans.

Please note: in 2004, the survey design was substantially revised to meet TRA's and its clients' changing information needs. Because of this enhancement, some of the 2004 survey results are not comparable with the results of previous years' studies. However, the key measures of client satisfaction with overall administration and with compliance costs remain comparable and are presented in the 2005 results.

Client Selection for Surveys

TRA uses a random selection tool to send surveys to a portion of the clients in each tax or rebate program that has a client population exceeding 100. Additionally, surveys are sent to all clients in each tax or rebate program with a population of 100 or less.

The names of the persons to whom the surveys are sent are kept confidential and no marks or codes are placed on the surveys to trace the respondent's identity.

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Scoring Methodology

In this year's survey, the participants were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with factors relating to TRA’s service. A six-point response scale was used to measure the level of satisfaction with each factor. The scale included 6 (Very Satisfied), 5 (Satisfied), 4 (Somewhat Satisfied), 3 (Somewhat Unsatisfied), 2 (Unsatisfied) and 1 (Very Unsatisfied).

The level of client satisfaction is expressed as "percentage satisfied", which is the percentage of respondents that indicated a degree of satisfaction. Using the six-point response scale, the "percentage satisfied" is the sum of the Very Satisfied, Satisfied and Somewhat Satisfied responses expressed as a percentage of all responses received for the question. If fewer than five people in a particular tax or rebate program answered a question, the result was not considered to be statistically relevant and therefore was not shown for that particular program. However, those answers are included in All Programs Combined results that summarize responses for all tax or rebate programs.

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Client Survey Results and Comments by Program

For each program, the client survey results for certain factors are presented in bar graph form on a three-year comparative basis in the following pdf files. A summary of client comments regarding the program is also included in the pdf files.  

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Client Satisfaction with Service by Program

For each program, the client survey results relating to service are presented in bar graph form in the following pdf files. Since this section was new for last year, a two-year comparison is shown.

TRA Response to Survey Results

Because the survey questionnaires do not identify the respondent, a client who wished TRA to respond to questions, comments or suggestions was requested to provide his or her name and contact information. In such cases, the staff responsible for conducting the survey forwarded only the client’s question, comment or suggestion and contact information to the appropriate TRA area for response.

The results, comments and suggestions are compiled by the staff conducting the survey and summarized for TRA. After review, TRA develops an action plan to address the issues raised.

TRA Contact

For further information about TRA’s client survey, or about actions taken or planned for the future, telephone the Director, Tax Services at (780) 427-9425, or send your request to TRA by letter, fax or e-mail (tra.revenue@gov.ab.ca).

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