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 Location: Alberta Government > Environment > Water > Water Management Operations > Dam Safety
Last Review/Updated: September 19, 2005

Dam Safety

In Alberta there are approximately 1400 dams, of which the Government of Alberta owns approximately 200. All dams, government and privately owned, are regulated by Water Act, Water (Ministerial) Regulation – Part 6. Alberta Environment (AENV) is responsible for the regulation of dam and canal safety in the Province of Alberta. To support this legislation, and at the request of the Director, dam owners and operators must have:

  • Emergency Preparedness Plans (EPPs)
  • Emergency Response Plans (ERPs)
  • Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance (OM&S) Manuals

The Province of Alberta and AENV, have taken a strong leadership role in the Dam Safety industry in Canada. Alberta is one of the four provinces in Canada (British Columbia, Quebec and New Brunswick are the remaining three) that has legislation relating directly to Dam and Canal Safety.

Dam Safety activities include:

  • Sets standards of practice for dam safety
  • Direction to dam owners for required documentation and dam safety reviews
  • Regulation of tailings dams (coal and oilsands)
  • Providing technical review, with regards to dam safety, of Environmental Impact studies for new developments
  • Monitoring and instrumentation at Department water management facilities
  • Participate in the development of Canadian Dam Association (CDA) Guidelines
  • Provide dam owner and operator education and awareness through annual Dam Safety workshops
  • Perform safety inspections for dams; and
  • Assist with Dam Safety Reviews and Dam Safety Audits
  • Upon referral from Alberta Environment Approvals, review of dam and canal designs prior to issuance of a license.

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