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 Location: Alberta Government > Environment > Water > Water Management Operations > Managing Alberta’s Infrastructure > Project Status
Last Review/Updated: September 19, 2005

Capital Project Status

Alberta Environment (AENV) and Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation (IFTRA) have a partnering relationship to manage capital project for the Province's water infrastructure. Under the Memorandum of Understanding, signed by Alberta Environment (AENV) and INFTRA, AENV retains the responsibility for ownership and operations of the water infrastructure and INFTRA is responsible for coordinating and managing capital works. AENV is responsible for prioritizing the rehabilitation requirements, through the Water Capital Committee. INFTRA is responsible for hiring engineering consultants to design and construct the necessary rehabilitation work for the existing water infrastructure and any new or enhanced water infrastructure that may be considered. The Capital Planning Team review terms of reference for the consultant, evaluate consultant proposals, review feasibility designs and reports and review final design tender documents (drawings and specifications).

Managing Alberta's Infrastructure

IFTRA Three Year, 2005-2008 Tentative Major Construction Plans

Provincial Water Management Projects

Northern Alberta Erosion Control Program

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