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Business Plan 2004-07
March 24, 2004

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This Business Plan for the three years commencing April 1, 2004 was prepared under my direction in accordance with the Government Accountability Act and the government’s accounting policies. All of the government’s policy decisions as at Februay 27, 2004 with material economic or fiscal implications of which I am aware have been considered in preparing the Business Plan.

The Ministry’s priorities outlined in the Business Plan were developed in the context of the government’s business and fiscal plans. I am committed to achieving the planned results laid out in this Business Plan.

[original signed]

Greg Melchin, Minister of Revenue
March 2, 2004

the ministry 

The Ministry of Revenue includes the Department of Revenue, Alberta Securities Commission, a provincial corporation and the following five regulated funds: Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Endowment Fund, Alberta Heritage Scholarship Fund, Alberta Heritage Science and Engineering Research Endowment Fund and Alberta Risk Management Fund.

The Department has five main areas: Tax and Revenue Administration, Investment Management, Risk Management, Investment Administration, and Policy and Strategic Planning. The Alberta Securities Commission is the regulatory agency responsible for overseeing the capital market in Alberta.

Revenue is responsible for managing the investments of the Province of Alberta, developing tax and revenue policy within the province, administering tax programs and minimizing the risk of loss of public assets.


The following table identifies where the Ministry Business Plan supports the Goals and Opportunities of the Government of Alberta Strategic Business Plan.


A province where government revenue policy and administration reflect the values of Albertans, balance present and future needs, and contribute to a stable environment for the generation of wealth for all Albertans.


To provide prudent and innovative revenue, investment and risk management and to regulate and foster capital markets in Alberta.


Core Business 1: Long-term Revenue and Investment Policy

Goal 1 - A revenue structure that meets Alberta's needs and is consistent with Albertans’ values
Goal 2 - Investment policies that will provide the greatest financial returns for current and future generations of Albertans

Core Business 2: Manage Revenue Programs

Goal 3 - Revenues due to the province are collected fairly, efficiently and effectively
Goal 4 - Excellence in client service

Core Business 3: Manage and Invest Financial Assets

Goal 5 - Superior investment returns subject to client-defined objectives and policies
Goal 6 - Excellence in client service

Goal 7 - An effective investment management organization

Core Business 4: Manage Risk Associated with Liability Exposure and Loss of Public Assets

Goal 8 - Proactively managed risk

Core Business 5: Regulate and Foster Alberta's Capital Market

Goal 9 - An effective, efficient and streamlined securities regulatory system


Volatile capital markets have a direct impact on the income of government investment funds. If markets are weak for extended periods the solvency of pension plans can be affected over the long term, and endowment funds must review their expenditure plans for sustainability.

Economic conditions can also impact the growth and volatility of tax and other revenue sources, so revenue needs must be managed. In addition, non-compliance by taxpayers can lead to revenue loss.

In managing liability exposure and the risk of loss of public assets, the Ministry must balance its mix of insurance and self-insurance, and the costs and risks the government must bear in executing this responsibility.

The Ministry faces challenges in regulating and fostering Alberta's capital market. Investor protection has to be balanced with the ability of firms to raise capital. It is also necessary to guard against unnecessary duplication of regulation to ensure capital formation in Canada is not adversely affected, while preserving the ability to respond to regional needs.


Through the Ministry’s review of external and internal challenges, the strategic priorities described below have been identified. These are in addition to the important ongoing core activities of the Ministry.

1. Revenue Management Framework

Linkage: Goal 1

Continue development of a revenue management framework to contribute to sound strategic decision-making about Alberta's long-term revenue structure and policy.
2. Endowment Fund

Linkage: Goals 1 and 2

Strengthen the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund and other government endowment funds.
3. Investment Organization

Linkage: Goals 5, 6 and 7

Develop Alberta Investment Management to better meet the needs of investment clients including government endowment funds and public sector pension funds.
4. Securities Regulation

Linkage: Goals 9 and 10

Lead and actively promote the development and implementation of an efficient and cost-effective interprovincial system of securities regulation.
5. Tax Administration

Linkage: Goals 3 and 4

Identify and address program areas where there is high risk of non-compliance.


CORE BUSINESS ONE: Long-Term Revenue and Investment Policy

GOAL 1: A revenue structure that meets Alberta's needs and is consistent with Albertans' values

What it means

The Government needs to ensure that its revenue structure maximizes productivity and wealth generation, while providing adequate funds for the services that Albertans expect. Through a revenue management framework, revenue and investment policies will be designed to maximize productivity and wealth generation while preserving and enhancing the quality of life for Albertans. In exercising its leadership role for this initiative, Revenue will continue to monitor Alberta's revenue competitiveness in a national and international context. The department will also work with stakeholders to review revenue policy issues on an ongoing basis.


  • Develop and maintain a revenue management framework including long-term revenue projections and analysis of Alberta's revenue sources.
  • Work with other ministries to develop and implement long-term revenue strategies.
  • Strengthen the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund and other endowment funds.
  • Monitor Alberta's revenue competitiveness in a national and international context.
  • As affordable, complete implementation of the Business Tax Plan to reduce the general corporate income tax rate from 11.5% to 8%.

Performance Measures

GOAL 2: Investment policies that will provide the greatest financial returns for current and future generations of Albertans

What it means

Prudent approaches to savings, including appropriate distributions of income, are an important aspect of a sustainable future. Investment policies, such as how much to invest in equities versus bonds, are the major determinants of an investment fund's performance over time. Alberta Revenue is responsible for the investment policies of the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, and other government endowment funds.


  • As affordable, ensure that the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund grows with inflation over time.
  • Work with other ministries and foundations on spending rules for other endowment funds.
  • Develop and implement a rigorous analytical framework for determining asset allocation policies.
  • Develop a framework to diversify risk and enhance expected returns of the Heritage Fund and other endowment funds.

Performance Measures

CORE BUSINESS TWO: Manage Revenue Programs

GOAL 3: Revenues due to the province are collected fairly, efficiently and effectively

What it means

The Department of Revenue through the Tax and Revenue Administration Division (TRA) collects revenue owing to the Province, administers provincial tax laws, makes payments of refunds and rebates and provides information to stakeholders, taxpayers and claimants. Collecting revenues fairly means that all taxpayers and claimants are treated with respect; efficiently means that the Department of Revenue provides excellent value for money spent; and effectively means that revenue losses due to tax evasion are minimized. As part of its responsibilities, TRA provides expertise to other ministries on initiatives with revenue implications. The department also provides support to taxpayers to ensure returns are submitted accurately the first time.


  • Implement tax changes included in Alberta's tax plan.
  • Identify and address program areas where there is high risk of non-compliance.

Performance Measures


GOAL 4 :  Excellence in client service

What it means 

Albertans expect top-notch service from the tax administration. Excellence in client service means understanding and then meeting or exceeding client expectations. It is important that clients are satisfied with our administration of tax and rebate programs and are able to provide feedback on areas where improvements can be made.


  • Implement e-business solutions to improve client service.
  • Consult with Albertans through surveys and meetings to determine service expectations.
  • Work with Canada Customs and Revenue Agency and provinces to harmonize tax programs and processes.

Performance Measures


CORE BUSINESS THREE:  Manage and Invest Financial Assets

GOAL 5: Superior investment returns subject to client-defined objectives and policies

What it means 

Once clients have determined investment policies, Alberta Investment Management can enhance returns relative to the returns that would be earned on a passively invested portfolio (e.g. Canadian equities invested in the S&P/TSX index).


  • Develop innovative strategies to enhance investment product returns.
  • Develop the capability, and innovative strategies, to enhance returns at the total fund level.
  • Implement an improved risk management framework.
  • Develop techniques to implement tactical market decisions quickly.

Performance Measures

GOAL 6:  Excellence in client service

What it means 

Driven by a client focus, Alberta Investment Management strives to be innovative and to exceed expectations. Investment clients are asked to provide their input to long-term plans and to identify new business opportunities. Alberta Investment Management will continue to provide strategic support to help clients set investment objectives, policies and risk guidelines.


  • Improve timeliness and quality of market intelligence and client-related research.
  • Improve information delivery mechanisms to be more timely and flexible, such as electronic service delivery.

Performance Measures

GOAL 7:  An effective investment management organization

What it means 

Alberta Investment Management strives to be among the best public sector investment organizations. By enhancing processes and utilizing industry best practices, Alberta Investment Management provides a value added and cost-effective investment service for clients.


  • Improve the technology platform including enhancing data integration, risk measurement and implementing a straight through processing environment to keep pace with evolving industry standards.
  • Strengthen the governance of the investment organization.

Performance Measures

CORE BUSINESS FOUR: Manage Risk Associated with Liability Exposure and Loss of Public Assets

GOAL 8:  Proactively managed risk

What it means 

The Risk Management and Insurance Division (RMI) administers a program to protect, secure and preserve public assets against risk of significant accidental loss. RMI provides services to ministries to help them identify, measure, control and finance their risk. The program serves all entities subject to the Financial Administration Act. RMI also administers a program of self-insurance and purchased insurance.


  • Work with Justice and other ministries on innovative strategies to resolve claims against the Crown.
  • Assist Finance in the development of an enterprise risk management framework.
  • Advise on risk allocation with private sector partners.
  • Implement new technology to improve claims management.

Performance Measures

CORE BUSINESS FIVE: Regulate and Foster Alberta's Capital Market

GOAL 9:  An effective, efficient and streamlined securities regulatory system

What it means 

An effective, efficient and streamlined securities regulatory framework is key to a strong and vibrant economy. It assists in the development of strong national and local capital markets and promotes the interests of both issuers seeking capital and investors providing that capital through their investment dollars.


  • Lead and actively promote the development and implementation of an efficient and cost effective interprovincial system of securities regulation.
  • Lead the development of highly harmonized securities legislation that could be adopted across Canada.
  • Ensure that market regulation meets the specific needs of Alberta firms and investors.
  • Work with other ministries to develop strategies to increase opportunities for Alberta firms and investors.

Performance Measures





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