Register / Update a Business

AlbertaFirst provides a province-wide business directory currently containing over 140,000 business listings. The Directory has been compiled from many sources - publicly available lists, data collection projects of AlbertaFirst's municipal members, and business self-registration. Your business may already be in the Directory!

List My Alberta Business
Business Name:
Postal Code:
ex. T6T6T6
Update My Existing Listing
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Use our directory to:
  • Connect with other businesses
  • Gather competitive intelligence on your marketplace
  • Assist in choosing a business location
  • Locate import substitutes
  • Develop alliances
  • Find a supplier of products and services that you need!
  • Promote your business worldwide 24/7! has:
  • Over 195 member municipalities
  • Over 140,000 business listings
  • Close to 20,000 website visitor sessions per week