Properties & Businesses for Sale

Data on this site comes from two sources:

Alberta Commercial Listing Service (CLS™)

Listings on this site are provided by commercial REALTORS® belonging to the Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA), the professional organization representing the 11 real estate boards and their 9,000 members in Alberta.

Data in the Commercial Listing Service (CLS™) is provided by the Alberta Real Estate Association and its member Real Estate Boards. Commercial real estate includes: office, industrial, multifamily, retail, commercial land, and agricultural operations.

Data is updated daily from AREA's CLS™ Database. For information on a current listing, or for further details, contact the listing agent directly by telephone, fax or email link located on the property display page.

For further information contact the Alberta Commercial Listing Service™

If you would like to update or delete a listing for your community that is currently on the system contact The Alberta Real Estate Association


Listings marked as Municipal come from member municipalities.

If you are an Alberta municipality and wish to market your property through this service, please contact the

If you already know the listing reference number you may enter it here to directly view the listing.

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