News Release

June 21, 2006

Albertans create a buzz over honey wine

Edmonton... Albertans will soon be able to enjoy honey wine, made in Alberta.

"The interest in specialty wine products is increasing among Albertans," said Gordon Graydon, Minister of Gaming. "This is a great opportunity for Alberta's beekeepers to expand their production. Albertans will now have more wines to choose from than they've ever had before."

The Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission has added mead (honey wine) to the list of products that can be produced, packaged and sold directly from Alberta farms. This move responds to a proposal from the Beekeepers Commission and builds on the creation of the cottage wine industry announced by government last year. Since February 2005, cottage wineries have been able to manufacture wine primarily made from fruit and sold from the farm gate.

Doug Horner, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development said, "This agreement is tremendous for the cottage wine industry and beekeepers in Alberta. It will create real value-added, made-in-Alberta opportunities for producers and will help in strengthening the local economies of our rural communities. For example, this change may lead to even more diversification for beekeepers in other honey products such as candles, cosmetics and lotions."

"The Alberta Beekeepers are excited to have this opportunity to provide a unique quality alcoholic beverage using our premium Alberta honey," said Cherie Andrews, Chair of the Cottage Industry Mead Committee with the Alberta Beekeepers Commission. "We look forward to the day that, with the fruit growers, we will have a vibrant Alberta wine industry and be able to offer wine tours at multiple wineries throughout the province."

Mead, which consists of three simple ingredients: honey, sugar and yeast, is one of the world's oldest alcoholic beverages. It relies on time and technique to transform its components into a great tasting wine.

The honey industry in Alberta is comprised of approximately 700 beekeepers and 250,000 bee colonies, producing more honey than any other province in Canada.

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Attached: Backgrounder about the mead/honey-wine industry.

Media enquiries may be directed to:

Robyn Cochrane
Alberta Gaming, Communications
(780) 447-8741

Alberta Ag Media Line
(780) 422-1005

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.


June 21, 2006

About the mead/honey-wine industry

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Robyn Cochrane
Alberta Gaming, Communications
(780) 447-8741

Alberta Ag Media Line
(780) 422-1005

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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