Welcome to the on-line practice knowledge test for the Class 7 learner's license

This online practice test is intended to help you prepare for the knowledge test required to get your Class 7 learner's licence. The multiple choice practice test has similar questions that you may be asked in the official test.

This will test your basic knowledge of the rules of the road, road signs, licensing information and factors that may affect your driving. All questions in this test are derived from the information provided in the Basic Licence Driver's Handbook

Each question has four possible answers, select what you believe to be the BEST answer by clicking on the button beside that answer. You may change your answer by simply clicking on a different button. Click the Score Test button at the bottom of the test when you have finished your test to see your answers and the correct answers.


Practice Test Two  


Test consists of 20 questions. Read each question carefully. In the button beside each answer, check the letter that indicates the correct answer for each question.More than three questions answered incorrectly constitutes a failure.


1.  If feeling tired while driving:

A.  turn the radio up to keep your attention

B.  open the window for some fresh air

C.  stop for a rest

D.  slow down and drive with extra care

[Refer to page 114 in the manual]

2. When is it illegal to pass another vehicle?

A.  when approaching vehicles are too close

B.  when a solid yellow line is on your side of the centre line

C.  when a sign indicates a no-passing zone

D.  all of the above

[Refer to page 88 in the manual]

3.  To recover from a skid:

A.  apply the brakes hard

B.  steer in the opposite direction of the skid

C.  steer straight ahead

D.  steer in the direction you would like the vehicle to go

[Refer to page 99 in the manual]

4.  Unless otherwise posted, what is the speed limit for a primary highway located outside an urban area?

A.  110 km/h

B.  80 km/h

C.  100 km/h

D.  90 km/h

[Refer to page 28 in the manual]

5. When entering a playground zone, while times are in effect, what is the maximum speed allowed (unless otherwise posted)?

A.  10 km/h

B.  20 km/h

C.  40 km/h

D.  30 km/h

[Refer to page 39 in the manual]

6.  When a red “X” is indicated over a driving lane, a driver must:

A.  not enter or remain in that lane

B.  stop immediately as it indicates there is danger ahead

C.  reduce speed and drive with extra caution

D.  be prepared for an upcoming traffic light

[Refer to page 45 in the manual]

7. A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line indicates that:

A.  passing is permitted if the solid line is on your side of the roadway

B.  passing is not permitted if the solid line is on your side of the roadway

C.  passing is not permitted if the broken yellow line is on your side of the roadway

D.  none of the above

[Refer to page 47 in the manual]

8. Solid white lines indicate that:

A.  lane changing is permitted

B.  traffic is traveling in opposite directions

C.  lane changing is not permitted

D.  none of the above

[Refer to page 48 in the manual]

9. A white diamond marking in a lane indicates that:

A.  the lane is reserved for specific vehicles

B.  there is a railway crossing ahead

C.  there is parking allowed in the lane

D.  there is a traffic circle ahead

[Refer to page 49 in the manual]

10. When parking uphill on the right side of the street with a curb, steer so that the front wheels:

A.  are turned to the right

B.  are turned to the left

C.  remain straight ahead

D.  none of the above

[Refer to page 65 in the manual]

11. When parking near a fire hydrant, what is the minimum distance that should be left between the vehicle and the fire hydrant:

A.  2 metres

B.  10 metres

C.  5 metres

D.  15 metres

[Refer to page 66 in the manual]

12. A driver is planning on making a turn at the upcoming intersection. The driver should be in the proper turning lane at least ___metres from the intersection:

A.  15 metres

B.  20 metres

C.  10 metres

D.  25 metres

[Refer to page 77 in the manual]

13. Uncontrolled intersections are ones that:

A.  have no traffic signs and no traffic signal lights

B.  have only a stop sign

C.  have only a yield sign

D.  prohibit pedestrians from crossing

[Refer to page 73 in the manual]

14. The parking lane on a highway (section between the white line and the edge of the roadway) is intended for:

A.  slow moving vehicles

B.  allowing vehicles to pass

C.  emergency parking

D.  parking

[Refer to page 84 in the manual]

15. What you can’t see in your vehicle’s rear and side view mirrors is said to be in your:

A.  dark area

B.  danger zone

C.  blind spot

D.  all of the above

[Refer to page 85 in the manual]

16. On a multi-lane highway, slow moving traffic should travel in:

A.  the middle traffic lane

B.  the far right traffic lane

C.  the left traffic lane

D.  the parking lane

[Refer to page 87 in the manual]

17. This sign means:

A.  the two lane roadway is turning to a one lane roadway ahead

B.  there is a divided road ahead

C.  passing is prohibited

D.  the road is for one way traffic only


[Refer to page 30 in the manual]

18. This sign means:

A.  there is an obstruction ahead

B.  the divided highway ends

C.  lane ends ahead

D.  road narrows both sides


[Refer to page 33 in the manual]

19. This sign means:

A.  railway crossing ahead

B.  pedestrian cross walk ahead

C.  intersection ahead

D.  dead end ahead


[Refer to page 33 in the manual]

20. This sign means:

A.  school zone – reduce speed

B.  playground area

C.  pedestrian crosswalk

D.  school crosswalk


[Refer to page 31 in the manual]

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