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It’s time to take Healthy U to work!

It is increasingly recognized that the work environment influences health. The health of employees, in turn, influences productivity, and ultimately, an organization’s bottom line.

In today’s business climate, the health of employees is often directly related to the health of the company. Increased job satisfaction, improved morale, reduced injuries and increased productivity are just some of the benefits of having a healthy work environment and adopting a healthy attitude.

Employers and employees share the responsibility for a healthy work environment. For employees, taking control of your health at work may be as simple as making small changes in your daily routine. For example, nurture your mind and body with a good breakfast after a night’s sleep; take short stretch breaks throughout the day to reduce stress and improve your productivity; or organize lunchtime or after work exercise programs and activities.

Promoting health in your workplace doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive or time-consuming. Any organization, large or small, can make plans to promote healthy eating, active living, smoking cessation, and improving morale as a starting point.

While compensation, recognition and advancement opportunities contribute to employee satisfaction, so too, does the quality of the work environment. The goal of workplace wellness is to make healthy practices become routine daily activities.

This section provides information about workplace wellness and resources to help you make your workplace healthier.