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Phosphine Fumigation - Frequently Asked Questions

 Who is eligible to obtain or use phosphine gas?
Everyone requires certification to purchase phosphine gas products. Recognized certification includes both the Farmer Certificate (as long as they pre-view the PowerPoint presentation supplied from the manufacturer to the vendor) and Fumigation Pesticide Applicator certificate holders. Both must receive the Grain Fumigation factsheet from the vendor.

Where can I get Phostoxin, Gastoxin or Fumitoxin?
Aluminum phosphide, the active ingredient, is a restricted use pesticide and is only available through provincially licensed persons for uses covered by their applicator’s certification.

Manufactures and Distributors
Degesch American Inc. -
Gardex Chemicals Ltd.
SGS Canada Inc.
Pestcon Systems Inc.
Sellen Grain Service Ltd.
Abell Pest Control

Are the local municipalities still having training courses and thus allowing producers to get Phostoxin?
Some local municipalities are running courses based mostly on farmer demand. Ag. Fieldmen are doing the training, providing they are an AB Environment recognized trainer.

How can I become certified?
Contact Alberta Environment at 1-800-661-3495 or Lakeland College at 1-866-853-8646 for more information on Pesticide Applicator Certification. Contact Olds College at 1-800-661-6531 for information on the Farmer Pesticide Course.

Additional Information
Procedures for Grain Bin Fumigation
Managing the Quality of Stored Grain
Principal Insect Pests of Stored Grains and Oilseeds
Summary of Methods to Control Stored-Grain Insects
Contacts for Approved Licences

Prepared by Karla Bergstrom, Alberta Ag-Info Centre, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ag-Info Centre.
This information published to the web on June 7, 2004.
Last Reviewed/Revised on November 8, 2006.

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