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Ten Year Average Analysis of Alberta Feeds 1984 - 1994

  Hays and greenfeeds | Silages | Fresh plants | Whole grain | Straw | Chaff | Screenings | Protein feeds / supplements | By-product feeds

These tables are a summary of analysis of feeds received at Agricultural Soils and Animal Nutrition Laboratory during the ten year period from 1984 to 1994. All data with the exception of bushel weight and moisture, are reported on moisture-free (dry) basis. As well as providing the mean values for the various feed type categories, the number (N) of analysis on which the mean is based is also given. The means are provided for proximate analysis, macro and trace minerals. These tables have been prepared to provide current information about the nutrient content of feeds grown or used in Alberta.

Components of mixtures are extremely variable. As a result, mean nutrient contents of mixtures are not provided in the tables. However, one could derive values for any combination of mixtures using the values of 90% feeds. Ammoniated forages and grain samples were excluded in developing these tables of averages.

Users of these feed analysis tables should bear in mind the wide variation in concentrations of some nutrients in certain feeds. Caution must be used when using data where only a very few samples were analyzed.

Analysis of Hays and Greenfeeds

Analysis of Silages
Analysis of Fresh Plants
Whole Grain Analysis
Straw Analysis
Chaff Analysis
Analysis of Screening
Analysis of Protein Feeds / Supplements
Analysis of By-Product Feeds
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Rick Corbett.
This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on July 21, 1997.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 22, 2006.

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