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Crop Insects
  Identifying and Controlling Insects in Grain Bins - This year, producers have been reporting greater insect populations in stored grains than in the last few years.(Agri-News 2006-11-29)

  Concerns With Stored Grain Insects. - An interview with Jim Broach, Insect Pest Management Specialist(Call of the Land 2006-11-15)

  Stored Grain Insect Problems - An interview with Blaine Timlick, Entomologist at the Canadian Grain Commission(Call of the Land 2006-10-25)

  A Pest's Eye View on Fall Clean Up - Fall clean up of fields, storage facilities and equipment is a lot of work, but makes sense when considered from a(Agri-News 2006-09-20)

 To Reference Information:  
  Beetles & Weevils    
  Bertha Armyworms    
  Diamondback Moth    
  Lygus Bugs    
  Other Insects    
  Wheat Midges    
 Tools & Resources:  
  Insecticide Selector    
 Coming Events: More... 
  Jan 16 Agronomy Update 2007 Conference  Lethbridge  
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