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  Farmers' Advocate Office Helps Launch Understanding Agriculture 101 - The FAO is proud to have partnered with the Canadian Society for Unconventional Gas in developing and supporting a new course for oil and gas industry(Agri-News 2006-12-06)

  An Energy Saving Seminar in Peers - An interview with Garett Broadbent(Call of the Land 2006-11-21)

  Economic Livestock Impact Calculator - Information on information and training sessions to introduce the newly updated version of the Economic Livestock Impact Calculator(Agri-News 2006-11-08)

  A Course on Negotiating Seismic Contracts - An interview with Bruno Wiskel(Call of the Land 2006-11-02)

  Make a Winning Agri-preneur Scholarship Application - The Agri-preneur scholarship supports continuous learning and innovative educational opportunities(Agri-News 2006-11-01)

  A New Safety Program for Alberta Food Processors - Food safety is a huge issue right now, with producers and processors working to improve their food safety systems.(Call of the Land 2006-10-31)

  Something New at Agri-Trade. - Alberta Agriculture is doing something new at Agri-Trade this year.(Call of the Land 2006-10-31)

  A Two-Day Leadership Workshop for Young Farmers - The group Future Agricultural Business Builders, decided to bring keynote speaker David Irvine back for a two-day workshop(Call of the Land 2006-10-26)

  How to Keep the Next Generation on the Farm - An interview with Joel Salatin, who is in our province giving his presentation Family Friendly Farming.(Call of the Land 2006-10-25)

  Negotiating Seismic Contracts on Private Land - This course is suited for landowners who would like to receive a significantly higher settlement when seismic operations cross their property.(Agri-News 2006-10-11)

 To Reference Information:  
  Adult Education    
  Food Safety Education    
  Job Training    
  Youth Development    
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