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Agricultural Processing Industry Directory
This directory provides a comprehensive database of agricultural processing companies and industry organizations in Alberta. It is maintained as a reference for use by the business community, government agencies and other interested parties. It serves to update users with current company information including contact personnel, products and brand names.

The companies are organized in alphabetical listings by: Category, Company Name, and by Town/City. Under each broad Category, all companies that manufacture products in that category are listed alphabetically. Companies are further broken down into more specific sub-categories to help you narrow down your search. A listing of related Industry Organizations are included under each category where applicable.

The bolded information listed on the right side of each company listing is supplementary company or product information defined as follows:
AFPA Member: company or organization is a member of the Alberta Food Processors Association.
Halal: indicates availability of meat products from animals slaughtered according to Islamic Rites.
Kosher: indicates Kosher product or Kosher version available. For more information on Kosher authenticity, please contact: Gabe Brojges, Kashruth Co-ordinator - Vaad Ha'ir of Winnipeg Inc., C306 - 123 Doncaster St., Winnipeg, MB (204) 487-9571; or Kashruth Co-ordinator, Calgary Jewish Community Council (403) 253-8600.
Organic: products available that have been produced and/or processed in accordance with specific organic standards as established by a certifying agency.

Considerable effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the company listings and information shown and we regret any errors or omissions. The directory was prepared by the collation of information made available to the Agri-Business Expansion Division of Alberta Agriculture, Food And Rural Development and neither the Department nor any of its employees assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information. The listing of any company or product in this directory does not reflect an endorsement of the company or product by Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.

The business contact information published in the directory will only be used for this purpose or for a consistent purpose. Any personal information is collected under the authority of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.

Requests for correction of this information or addition of new information may be directed to:
Joan Bates
Telephone: (403) 340-7625

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