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Custom Services Directory

Field Operations
Crop Seeding
Fertilizer Application
Herbicide Application
Land Breaking
Land Clearing

Grain Harvesting
Grain Swathing
Grain Combining
Grain Hauling
Grain Drying & Cleaning

Hay & Silage Making
Hay Making
Silage Making

Corral Cleaning
Grain Processing
Livestock Hauling
Custom Feeding
Other Services

Other Custom Services
Available Services

Post a listing
WARNING to Users!

Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development in NO WAY GUARANTEES the services listed here or the integrity of the service provider or client.

It is up to the service provider and the client to clearly establish what the service(s) will include, the expected timeframe for completion of the service, and the payment terms. Any special terms need to be listed i.e. if the client is liable for rock damage or is expected to supply fuel and/or labour. A written contract is strongly recommended as it protects both parties and reduces the potential for disagreement.

Read our guidelines to ensure that the transaction is satisfactory for both the custom operator and client.

If you wish to have a listing posted on Alberta Agriculture's Custom Services Directory, you may use the on-line form or call the Alberta Ag-Info Centre, toll-free in Alberta at 1-866-882-7677.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Dale Robinson.
This document is maintained by Deborah Heidt.
This information published to the web on October 19, 2004.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 21, 2004.

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Government of Alberta