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'Animal Health Forum' Home

  The Food Safety Division of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development publishes Animal Health quarterly to inform readers of division activities and bring attention to agri-food issues with food safety and market access implications. If you want copies of older issues of Animal Health Forum, please contact the Editors.

Joan St. Amand, Food Safety Division
Airdrie AB
Phone: (403) 948-8579
Dr. Jagdish Patel, Food Safety Division
Edmonton AB
Phone: (780) 644-5093


Recent Articles from 'Animal Health Forum'

  From the June 2006 Issue of Animal Health Forum
Surveillance/Research Update: Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network (AVSN) and Pathology Consultation Case Reports
CanWest DHI Johne's Disease Prevention Project
CWD Update in Alberta's Wild Cervid Population as of May 2006
Food Safety Issues: Salmonella Enteritidis Infection in a Broiler Breeder Flock in Alberta
Quality Assurance Program for Bio-Rad TeSeE® Testing for Alberta's BSE, CWD and Scrapie Surveillance Programs
Swine Pathology Wet Lab
Chief Provincial Veterinarian Update: Revised Animal Eligibility Criteria: Canada-Alberta BSE Surveillance Program
Chief Provincial Veterinarian Update: Bio-security Initiative
Who's Who in the Division

December 2005
Food Safety Division Highlights - Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network - Veterinary Practice Surveillance
Food Safety Division Highlights - Livestock Pathology Consultation Program Activities
Chief Provincial Veterinarian Update - Alberta's Avian Influenza Prevention Action Plan
Notice Board - Veterinary Certification Training and Gernal Meeting for Veterinarians and Producers

  Last Reviewed/Revised on August 28, 2006.  

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