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'Business of Beef in the North' Home

  The Business of Beef in the North is a twice yearly newsletter sent to clients who are interested in or seeking opportunites in the cattle industry that the northern part of the province may be able to provide for them.  

Recent Articles from 'Business of Beef in the North'

  The Business of Beef in the North
Provincial Meat Processing Facility
50th Anniversary of the North Peace Stampede
Heart Valley Processors - An Alberta farmer's idea to convert a chicken processing plant to a slaughterhouse becomes reality
BearSmart program lauched for agricultural producers

The Business of Beef in the North
Northern Alberta - big numbers, big contributions, big opportunities
Northern Alberta Beef Team Booth -- Farm Fair Winners
Can we build it?
Provincial Meat Processing Facility Soon to be Constructed
Regional Economic Development Initiative for Northwest Alberta

  Last Reviewed/Revised on August 29, 2006.  

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