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Responsible Gaming Program

The Responsible Gaming Program is a very important part of the

government’s commitment to social responsibility in Alberta’s gaming


VLT retailers receive training, in the form of a videotape, which deals with

problem gambling awareness and the myths perpetuated by the problem

gambler and often unwittingly by others. Once this training has been

completed, the retailer submits the AADAC/AGLC Responsible Gaming

Program Completion Form PDF. This training helps retailers and their staff explore the options in providing assistance to customers that may have a gambling problem.

There are two mandatory and two voluntary components of the

Responsible Gaming Program:


1) Awareness training for all staff that have any involvement with VLTs.

2) Posting all signs that are required by the AGLC. The signs must be current and in good condition.

VLT retailers who do not comply with the mandatory components may

have their VLT Retailer Agreement terminated.


1) Establishment owners or one senior staff member participate in an AADAC/AGLC initiative described on the Annual Responsible Gaming Award Application.
2) VLT retailers provide some type of server intervention product that includes the AADAC help-line phone number. The AADAC business cards available through the AGLC Hotline qualify as a server intervention product.

Responsible Gaming Program Yearly Awards

VLT retailers fulfilling all four of the above components will be identified as a Responsible Gaming Venue and, as such, are eligible for a yearly award.

The award includes a certificate of recognition from the Minister of Gaming, a wall plaque and an advertisement in the retailer’s local newspaper. These products recognize the establishment’s participation in the Responsible Gaming Program.

This year, 2005-2006, 338 VLT retailers made the extra effort beyond the mandatory components and successfully met the AGLC’s requirements to qualify for an award.

To be eligible for an award in 2006-2007, VLT Retailers must first accomplish all four components of the Responsible Gaming Program, then complete and submit the Responsible Gaming Program Annual Award Application PDF.

For more information on the retailers that received an award in your community, please see the list of qualifying retailers. PDF

For more information on the Responsible Gaming Program, please contact the AGLC.

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