Alberta Seniors and Community Supports

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Search the "Alberta Seniors and Community Supports" websites
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To search for documents, type in a few words or phrases. Try to use discriminating terms that are likely to be found only in the documents you seek. For example:

Search by typing some keywords or a phrase:
    housing and seniors services

The search engine will find documents containing as many of these words and phrases as possible, ranked so that the documents most relevant to your query are presented first. Don't worry about missing a document because it doesn't have one of the words in your search -- results marked by relevancy are returned even if they don't contain all query terms.

Focus your search by identifying phrases with quotation marks, separating them with AND or OR:
   "housing" and "seniors services"

The search engine will then only match phrases whose words appear adjacent to each other. Using the operator OR will find pages containing either phrase, and using the operator AND finds pages containing both phrases. 

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