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  An Agripreneur Scholarship Winner's Experience in Texas - Comments from Sonia Meyer, Manager of the Millarville Farmers' Market, who attended the North America Farmers' Direct Marketing Conference in Texas(Call of the Land 2006-12-06)

  Berry Producers Keep Busy During Winter Months - Producers were busy in November attending the first (annual) Fruit Wine and Mead workshop and the marketing workshop(Agri-News 2006-12-06)

  Farmers' Advocate Office Helps Launch Understanding Agriculture 101 - The FAO is proud to have partnered with the Canadian Society for Unconventional Gas in developing and supporting a new course for oil and gas industry(Agri-News 2006-12-06)

  Financial Assistance to Attend Grow West - If you're looking for some financial help to get to the conference, Friday, Dec. 8 is an important deadline.(Call of the Land 2006-12-06)

  Growing Experiences on the Farm - When farm direct marketers add an element of "experience" to an agricultural product, that could be called a value-added service.(Agri-News 2006-12-06)

  Manure Management Conference - The Manure Management Update 2007 conference is being held at the Lethbridge Lodge Hotel on January 15, 2007.(Agri-News 2006-12-06)

  The George Morris Centre Works on a New Agri-Food Policy - The George Morris Centre is currently working on a project to develop a new agri-food policy for Canada(Call of the Land 2006-12-06)

  Where Do You Want to Be in 2010? - Planning for the future is important, but it doesn't have to be difficult.(Agri-News 2006-12-06)

  A New Award for Farm Women - Canadian women involved in agriculture may now apply or be nominated for the new Farm Credit Canada Rosemary Davis Award(Call of the Land 2006-12-05)

  Albertans Win the Outstanding Young Farmers' Award - Nominees from Alberta and Ontario are the winners of the National Outstanding Young Farmer Program.(Call of the Land 2006-12-05)

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