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Agriculture Ministers Meet in Calgary

  From the Nov 15, 2006 Broadcast of Call of the LandCall of the Land Home       
 First off today, federal, provincial and territorial agriculture ministers met in Calgary today. Alberta Agriculture Minister Doug Horner called the meeting very productive, one of the best he’s been a part of. Federal Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl says a lot of good progress was made on two key issues, starting with agriculture policy.

Interview with the Honourable Chuck Strahl (2:27 minutes) (597 Kb)

Ministers Horner and Strahl were in Edmonton earlier today where they discussed marketing choice and the Canadian Wheat Board. As well, the two signed an agreement for Agriculture Canada to join the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Alberta. We’ll have those comments on tomorrow’s show.

The preceding is a transcript of the November 15, 2006 program. There may be some omissions due to last minute changes. For further information, contact Caitlynn Reesor at (780) 422-3981 or Ken Blackley at (780) 422-3951.


Other Articles From the Nov 15, 2006 Broadcast of Call of the Land

  Agriculture Ministers Meet in Calgary - Current Document
Concerns With Stored Grain Insects.
A Cattlemen's Day in Lacombe
Call of the Land Calendar for November 15, 2006
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Caitlynn Reesor.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on November 15, 2006.

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