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Banff National Park
Box 900
Banff, AB
T1L 1K2
(403) 762-1550
(403) 762-3380

Banff National Park of Canada


Angler in the Mountains
Angler in the Mountains
© Parks Canada



For many people, angling is a way of slowing down and enjoying the peacefulness that protected areas provide us. For others, it’s a way of learning about aquatic environments. Whatever your motivation, enjoy your time along the lakes and rivers of the mountain national parks and help us protect this important resource.

Anglers support national parks by obeying regulations, taking part in creel and user surveys, reporting tagged fish and participating in public consultations. For more information on how you can become better informed and involved, contact the Aquatics Specialist in each park.

Future Stewards with their catch
Future Stewards with their catch
© Parks Canada / Larry Halverson


A National Park Fishing Permit is required before you can fish in the park. An annual or a single day permit can be purchased at park's information centres, Hot Pools or campground kiosks, as well as some local retail outlets. The permits are valid only in the national park in which they were purchased with the exception of the contiguous mountain parks (Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho) where one permit is valid for all parks. A Fishing Regulations Summary (updated annually) accompanies your permit or at park information centres.


Whether wading a river or in a boat, you are responsible for your safety and that of your companions.

  • Be sure to have all the required safety equipment when boating.
  • Be prepared for hazards of weather; even in summer the mountain environment can be a cold one.
  • Always have enough clothing to keep you warm and dry; bring spare clothes just in case.
  • And remember, always be bear aware in wilderness areas.


One warm day in 1925, a hatchery truck carrying 45,000 fingerling brown trout broke down on the Trans Canada Highway just east of Banff. The driver, fearing that his cargo would perish if left in the truck, did what seemed to be the right thing at the time - he released the young trout into a nearby stream. The brown trout eventually followed the creek down into the Bow River, and their offspring have lived there ever since.

Though probably the least planned, this was not the first incidence of fish stocking in Banff National Park. Employees of the Canadian Pacific Railway had already introduced eastern brook and rainbow trout into the Bow River as early as the turn of the century. Stories of the park’s abundant fish were luring in tourists by the train-full. Fish stocking was necessary to appease the voracious appetites of Banff’s early fishermen - and women. In 1906, one of these women boasted “in an hour, 13 trout varying from one-half to two pounds would be in my creel.”

Such bounty could not last long. The cold and often silty waters of these mountain environments cannot support large numbers of fish. Many of the exotic species that were brought in did not survive. On the other hand, some introduced fish species did alarmingly well in their new surroundings. The native fish populations, suffering from competition for food and spawning sites, declined.

The actions of the past cannot be undone, but we can learn from them. Non-native fish are no longer being stocked into park waters. Mountain park waters are not stocked and do not naturally support large fish populations so catch and release is encouraged. The more fish are allowed to “get away” today, the more there will be for the future.


Most of the lakes in the mountain national parks were fishless before 1900. In a survey of 1464 lakes in Jasper, Banff, Yoho, Waterton, Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks, it was found that over 95% of the lakes did not contain fish until they were stocked in the 20th century. The few that did support natural fish populations contained simple communities of one to four fish species, depending on the size, altitude and exposure of the lake.

Past fisheries management programs in Banff National Park were directed at providing good fishing. To achieve this goal, massive introductions of cultured fish were made to virtually all of the park’s accessible lakes and streams. These waters contained many rare genetic stocks of fish and other organisms. Introduced stocks were regarded as superior sport fish or innocuous supplements to native stocks. Fisheries managers could be reasonably sure that these fish would thrive in the wide variety of habitat conditions found in the park.

While introduced species thrive and support an active recreational fishery, there is concern over the decline in abundance of native species. The status of westslope cutthroat trout and bull trout, two species native to park waters are of concern. The Banff longnose dace, which was found no where else in the world but Banff National Park, is listed as extinct by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC).

Introducing fish to previously fishless lakes has also altered the community structure of those systems. Since the early 1900s, nearly forty million fish have been introduced into the Bow watershed of Banff National Park. Stocking in Banff National Park stopped in 1988. While many of the introductions failed, a shrimp, Yellowstone Cutthroat trout, brook trout, rainbow trout and brown trout predominate the many lakes and streams where they were introduced.

Lake Minnewanka was stocked with fish from 1901 to 1972. It’s estimated that over 17 million eggs and fry of lake trout, Atlantic salmon, cisco, brook trout, cutthroat trout, splake, smallmouth bass, lake whitefish and rainbow trout were introduced into the lake’s waters. Studies are now being conducted on the long-term effect that stocking and angling has had on the overall health of our aquatic ecosystems.


Bull trout was once the most widespread native trout in the mountain parks. In recent times it has disappeared from much of its former range. This decline is the result of damaged habitat, over-fishing and the introduction of fish species which have displaced it. To protect the remaining populations of bull trout, all mountain national parks have instituted a zero catch and possession limit for the species. These restrictions are part of a cooperative effort with the province of Alberta for bull trout management and recovery.


Bull trout are part of the “char” family which includes brook trout and lake trout. Bull trout look very similar to brook trout and the two species are often confused. As an angler you are responsible for ensuring you do not have a bull trout in your possession. If you are in doubt release the fish immediately.

Drawing of a Bull Trout
Bull Trout
© Karl Geist

“No black, put it back”:
1. Bull trout dorsal fins do not have black spots.
2. Bull trout do not have black lines following the white line on their pelvic, pectoral or anal fins.


Although not mandatory in the mountain national parks, the use of barbless hooks is recommended. Many anglers prefer barbless hooks because fish are more easily released. You can turn an old hook into a barbless hook by squeezing the barb down with a pair of pliers.


Over three million waterfowl die each year in North America from lead poisoning, primarily from swallowing lead weights. Lead poses a particular threat to fish-eating birds such as loons, eagles and swans. Once swallowed, the lead is absorbed into the blood stream and causes liver and kidney failure as well as muscle weakness. Lead-poisoned birds also rear less offspring.

All national parks in Canada (and coming in the Province of Alberta) have implemented lead-free fishing to eliminate the threat lead poses to wildlife and the environment. All fishing tackle under 50 grams containing lead, such as leaded sinkers, lead split shot, lead weighted jigs (lead molded to a hook) and soft lead putty wire are not allowed.

Alternatives to lead are being produced in Canada and the USA. The costs of replacing weights and sinkers with non-lead alternatives are minimal to the angler and very beneficial to the environment.

Canadian Wildlife Service: Fish Lead Free


One way you can enjoy the fish in Banff National Park is simply by watching them. Of course, it helps to know where to look. If you are hiking by the outlet or inlet of an alpine lake in June you may find cutthroat trout spawning there. As you paddle on the Bow River you might see a bull trout resting on the bottom, or a school of mountain whitefish foraging in the current.

You could even jump in for a closer look, if you’re feeling very brave. Some divers in Lake Minnewanka claim to have caught sight of a giant lake trout down in the murky depths - one to rival the record 43-pounder caught there in 1889! Not surprisingly, it always manages to get away.

Fish watching is the “low impact” way to discover the world beneath the water’s surface. You can watch fish swim, feed, and breed without being intrusive. Look through binoculars to bring dramas to large-scale life. Wear polarized sunglasses to reduce the reflective glare of water and let you see beyond the surface.

Like other wildlife watching, the best times to fish watch are early morning and evening when there is likely to be more activity and better visibility - less glare and calmer waters anyway. Spring and fall are great times to watch fish spawn. Stand away from the stream bank or lakeshore to avoid casting shadows and creating vibrations, which may startle and stress the fish. Never throw objects into the water to catch their attention.

Best places and times to fishwatch:

  • Cave & Basin Marsh: view introduced tropical fish at the fish-viewing platform.
  • Beaver Pond, west end of 3rd Vermilion Lake: In October, look for brook trout spawning in shallow water close to the road.
  • Johnson Lake: take the trail on the north side of the lake to the bridge that crosses the stream flowing into Muskrat Bay. In spring, look for rainbow trout spawning in the shallows, in the fall it is brook trout’s turn.
  • Forty Mile Creek: Look for whitefish spawning beside the Fenland trail in the fall.

Parks Canada is establishing a network of aquatic benchmarks across the mountain parks. These benchmarks will contribute to park managers need to assess, maintain and restore the ecological integrity of park waters. The information will also help sustain appropriate angling opportunities unique to these protected headwaters and cold mountain lakes.

A microscopic parasite is devastating trout and salmon populations in Montana, Utah and Colorado. Infectious spores can exist in mud for up to 30 years. If you fish US waters, you are a special risk.

More information can be found at the Province of Alberta’s Fish & Wildlife website.

Related Links:

Fishing in Alberta

Helping Native Fish Come Back


Fishing Regulations Summary


Last Updated: 2006-11-06 To the top
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