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Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Business Plan 2006-09

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The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AFRD) consists of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development and Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC). The Ministry is also responsible for the Office of the Farmers' Advocate; Irrigation Council; Agricultural Products Marketing Council; and Alberta Grain Commission.

Agriculture, Food and Rural Development contributes to Goal 1: Alberta will have a diversified and prosperous economy, under the key opportunity of Unleashing Innovation. The Ministry contributes to this goal by facilitating the growth of the agriculture industry through several programs and functions, including implementing the Agriculture Growth Strategy and the Six-point Recovery Strategy. The Ministry also works to secure a stronger future for rural Alberta through implementation of the Rural Development Strategy.

The Ministry contributes to Goal 14: Alberta will have a supportive and sustainable infrastructure that promotes growth and enhances quality of life, under the Capital Plan. This is done by providing cost-shared funding to Alberta's 13 irrigation districts to rehabilitate the districts' water conveyance infrastructure, supporting municipalities to develop water/wastewater infrastructure for agricultural processing and administering funding under the Municipal Industrial Wastewater Infrastructure Program.

The Ministry also contributes to Goal 8: Alberta will have a financially stable, open and accountable government, under the key opportunity of Making Alberta the Best Place to Live, Work and Visit. This contribution is made by servicing the debt incurred by the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) in providing service to its clients.


Growing Alberta farms, processors, and all other agricultural businesses along with vibrant rural communities.


To enable the growth of a globally competitive, sustainable agriculture and food industry through essential policy, legislation, information and services in partnership with vibrant rural communities.

Core Businesses
Core Business 1: Facilitate Sustainable Industry Growth
Core Business 2: Enhance Rural Sustainability
Core Business 3: Strengthen Business Risk Management

The full text is availble on the Ministry of Finance web site, and also in pdf format.

  This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on June 14, 2006.

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