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Farmers' Advocate Office Helps Launch Understanding Agriculture 101

  From the Dec 11, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 205K  
 The Farmers’ Advocate Office (FAO) is proud to have partnered with the Canadian Society for Unconventional Gas in developing and supporting a new course for the oil and gas industry. Understanding Agriculture 101 is a three-part course that includes a presentation, an interactive exercise and a CD planning resource.

“The course is a two-hour session that provides factual information, interactive exercises and working tools to help anyone working in the oil and gas industry learn how to work more effectively within agricultural communities,” says Graham Gilchrist, Assistant Farmers’ Advocate for Rural Affairs, Edmonton. “Creating a better understanding of the agricultural industry will help industry and landowners realize better results with less conflict and create a win-win for all.”

ConocoPhillips, Trident Exploration and Quicksilver Resources were involved in the development of the program. In addition to these companies, other participants include Synergy Alberta, Butte Action Committee, the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, landowners, Apache, Encana, Nexen, and Canadian Natural Resources Limited.

“It is exciting to see the energy sector commit to building better relationships with the agricultural community,” adds Gilchrist. “This course will foster greater understanding and will be a benefit to many Albertans and energy companies. The FAO wishes to thank all of the partners involved.”

For further information on the course, contact Gilchrist at the FAO (780) 427-2433.

Contact: Graham Gilchrist (780) 427-2433


Other Articles From the Dec 11, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Where Do You Want to Be in 2010?
Farmers' Advocate Office Helps Launch Understanding Agriculture 101 - Current Document
Berry Producers Keep Busy During Winter Months
Growing Experiences on the Farm
Choosing and Caring for Poinsettia
Manure Management Conference
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Graham Gilchrist.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on December 6, 2006.

  Top of Document

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