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CropChoice$ Computer Software

 CropChoice$ Computer Software has been upgraded to Version 2.31

What's in this version | What can CropChoice$ do for me? | CropChoice$ features | Program requirements | Download CropChoice$ | Links | Acknowledgements | Feedback and Questions

What's in this Version

  • Data is handled on an individual field basis. This will allow you to customize the crop mix on your farm.
  • The number of crops that can be entered is 31 and includes specialty and forage crops.
  • Irrigated crops are now included. These features were introduced in the 2.11 version.
  • You will be able to enter up to 32 fields in this version, which will run on Windows 2000 and XP.
  • A save feature will allow you to save a number of files.
  • Recent changes to the Spring Price Endorsement (SPE) and Revenue Insurance Coverage (RIC) programs have been incorporated.
  • You can open saved files and new changes will be incorporated into the analysis.
What Can CropChoice$ Do for Me?
  • CropChoice$ helps you calculate expected total margins and probabilities based on your knowledge of soil and moisture conditions, along with long term yield and price data.
  • You can create a "base" cropping plan, then compare it to other different scenarios.
  • You will be able to choose a plan that works for your operation by looking at forecasted margins and their probability of success.
CropChoice$ Features
  • This version uses 2006 Crop Insurance and crop cost information. It also includes recent changes to the Spring Price Endorsement (SPE) and Revenue Insurance Coverage (RIC) programs.
  • Uses "worst-best-most likely" values for prices and yields.
  • Presents contribution margins and gross margins in easy to understand statements, tables and graphs
  • Evaluates the effects of different risk management strategies, such as adjusting your crop mix, purchasing crop insurance, and renegotiating your land rental agreements.
  • CropChoice$ is based on yields and prices from real Alberta farms as well as Crop Insurance premiums and coverage levels provided by Alberta’s Agricultural Financial Services Corporation. CropChoice$ should not be used for financial forecasting purposes outside of the province of Alberta.
Program Requirements
  • Pentium with Intel, Celeron, AMD Processor.
  • This version will run on Windows 2000 and XP.
Links Acknowledgements

CropChoice$ was produced by the Business Management Innovations Branch and the Economics Unit of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development . We very much appreciate the excellent support in resources and expertise we received from our partners: the Ag. & Food Council and its IAMF Fund and the Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC).

Feedback and Questions

To provide feedback or if you have any questions please contact:

The Alberta Ag-Info Centre
Alberta Agriculture, Food & Rural Development
Phone: 1-866-882-7677
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ron Hockridge.
This information published to the web on January 21, 2004.
Last Reviewed/Revised on March 17, 2006.

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