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Agri-Food Laboratories Branch

 Welcome to the Agri-Food Laboratories Branch of Food Safety Division, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRD).

As a laboratory of the Alberta provincial government, our primary purpose is to enable the growth of Alberta's agriculture and food industry. Our focus is on food safety and the support of Food Safety Division Programs. Through applied research, technology development and technology transfer, we strive to ensure the production of safe food and to increase the objective scientific evidence available to establish and promote the safety of Alberta's agriculture and food products in the domestic and international market places. The Agri-Food Laboratories Branch provides scientific evidence assuring the health status of Alberta's food animals. Through partnerships within Food Safety Division, with other government agencies, universities and with industry, we provide scientific and laboratory expertise in support of effective safe food production and processing systems and effective surveillance and monitoring of microbiological and chemical hazards of concern.

Our ISO 17025 accredited laboratories are well equipped with both equipment and human resources. Over 40 employees provide expertise that encompasses a broad range of scientific fields; in chemistry, microbiology, parasitology, immunology / virology and molecular biology. Our matrices also encompass a broad range, representing the entire food production continuum: soil, plant, animal and food.

For more information, please contact Ken Manninen, AFLB Branch Head.


Other Documents in the Series

  Agri-Food Laboratories Branch - Current Document
Agri-Food Laboratories Branch: Chemistry Section
Agri-Food Laboratories Branch: Biology Section
Agri-Food Laboratories Branch: Food Microbiology Laboratory
Agri-Food Laboratories Branch: Molecular Biology Section
Agri-Food Laboratories Branch: ISO Accreditation
Agri-Food Laboratories: Transmissable Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE) Laboratory
AFLB TSE High Throughput Screening Lab Detects BSE
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Sheila Atkinson.
This document is maintained by Jane Calvert.
This information published to the web on June 12, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 19, 2005.

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