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Agri-Food Systems Branch

 Overview | What's new | Epidemiology, Toxicology and Technical Support section | Livestock Health for Market Access section | Safe Food Systems section | Branch head contact information


Welcome to the Agri-Food Systems branch of the Food Safety Division, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRD).

The Agri-Food Systems branch is one of three branches within the Food Safety Division. One of the roles of the branch is to develop information on food safety and animal health issues which impact on market access. Another role is to coordinate the role of Alberta in ensuring safe food systems are developed and maintained by industry. Our team includes technical staff, administrative support staff, research officers and veterinary scientists.

One of the major factors encouraging the food industry to adopt food safety process control systems is the increased awareness and concern of the public about food safety. Consumer expectations of safety have increased and the industry is responding by building systems that will provide early detection of a problem and discover where and how the problems originated. There is every reason to believe that the trend of increased consumer concern for food safety will continue.

Key initiatives for our branch include On-Farm Food Safety programs (OFFS), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) programs and training development, as well as specific surveillance programs such as those for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (BSE, CWD, Scrapie), Johne's disease, antimicrobial resistance, residues and veterinary surveillance in Alberta.

What's New

Click on the links below to find out more about new initatives lead by the Agri-Food Systems Branch:

Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network (AVSN)
Alberta HACCP Advantage (AHA!)

Our branch is comprised of 3 sections as outlined below.

Epidemiology, Toxicology and Technical Support Section (ETTS)

Lead by John Girvan, this section provides professional leadership and technical support to the branch and division in the areas of risk assessment, risk analysis and communication, epidemiology, scientific design, sampling design, GIS, data analysis, and toxicology. The section enables achievement of strategic priorities and effective collaboration with others in the division, sector and department where appropriate. Knowledgeable and expert staff in this section include Epidemiologists, Toxicologists, data support/management/development (IT), research officers, laboratory technicians, adminstrative officers, and accreditated Veternarians.

Livestock Health for Market Access Section (LHMA)

Lead by Dr. Ron Clarke, this section is responsible for developing and packaging information that supports market access by having in place an adequate monitoring and surveillance system for livestock disease and emerging issues that affect live animal and animal product movement. Surveillance and data collection and analysis will be performed in concert with the ETTS section and the Agri-Food Laboratories Branch and will integrate with activities in the Safe Food Systems section. Knowledgeable and expert staff in this section include Pathologists, laboratory technicians, adminstrative officers, and accreditated Veternarians.

Safe Food Systems Section (SFS)

Lead by Kim Whitehead, and assisted by Daryl Loback, this section is responsible for developing and packaging information that validates the safety of food products in Alberta. Surveillance will be developed in cooperation with the ETTS section staff to enhance the availability of scientifically valid information about food safety process control systems adopted in the province. Both On-Farm Food Safety and HACCP expertise are used to assist industry in adoption of food safety process control systems. Quality ISO system audits, technical review and international standards information are also responsibilities of this section. Knowledgeable and expert staff in this section include Food Safety Specialists, adminstrative officers, and quality assurance officers.

To contact any staff from the Agri-Food System Branch, please contact the main floor office at (780) 422-1923.

Agri-Food Systems Branch Head Contact Information

Agri-Food Systems Branch
O.S. Longman Building
6909-116 Street
Edmonton, AB T6H 4P2
Ph: (780) 427-4054
Fax: (780) 427-7535

Dr. Sandra Honour, Branch Head

Dr. Sandra Honour is supported by her administrative support team, Cindy Armstrong and Blanche Taylor

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Sandy Honour.
This document is maintained by Sheila Hart.
This information published to the web on November 24, 2004.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 4, 2006.

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