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Ag Entrepreneurship
  An Agripreneur Scholarship Winner's Experience in Texas - Comments from Sonia Meyer, Manager of the Millarville Farmers' Market, who attended the North America Farmers' Direct Marketing Conference in Texas(Call of the Land 2006-12-06)

  Financial Assistance to Attend Grow West - If you're looking for some financial help to get to the conference, Friday, Dec. 8 is an important deadline.(Call of the Land 2006-12-06)

  Growing Experiences on the Farm - When farm direct marketers add an element of "experience" to an agricultural product, that could be called a value-added service.(Agri-News 2006-12-06)

  The "Moving Forward" Conference - St. Paul is the site of a conference designed for rural development, and developing area tourism opportunities(Call of the Land 2006-12-05)

  Grow West Brochures are Available - If you're planning on attending Grow West, brochures are now available.(Call of the Land 2006-11-29)

  Learn How to Grow Direct Market Income - Imagine increasing farm income by over $5000.(Agri-News 2006-11-29)

  Nominations for the Alberta Farmers' Market Association Manager of the Year - The Alberta Farmers' Market Association is looking for nominations for the Farmers' Market Manager of the Year Award.(Call of the Land 2006-11-29)

  AFMA Looking for Nominations - Alberta Farmers' Market Association (AFMA) is looking for nominations for the Farmers' Market Manager of the Year award.(Agri-News 2006-11-15)

  Biting Into an Agri-Preneur Scholarship - The agri-preneur scholarship program supports continuous learning and innovative educational opportunities for agri-preneurs(Agri-News 2006-11-15)

  Sleep With the Animals -- An Ag Tourism Adventure - One of the three advanced workshops that will be featured at the NAFDMA Grow West Alberta 2007 convention.(Agri-News 2006-11-15)

 To Reference Information:  
  Ag Tourism    
  Business Strategies    
  Farm Direct Marketing    
  Farmers' Markets    
  Feasibility Assessments    
  Regional Cuisine    
  Woodlots & Agroforestry    
 Tools & Resources:  
  Farmers' Markets    
  AgriTourism Directory    
  Starting and Growing a Business    
  Woodlot/Forestry Directory    
  Dine Alberta Directory    
 Coming Events: More... 
  Feb 08 Options and Opportunities Conference  Camrose  
  Feb 15 Tiffin Conference "Alternative Enterprises in Agriculture"  Lethbridge  
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