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AgriProfit$ for Crops

 AgriProfit$: Economic Information for Alberta Crop Producers - There are two primary roles of the program. First, to deliver sound business management benchmarks and information. Secondly, to assist producers with research information for evaluating their own business' performance, assessing production, management and technology options, and charting their business' course in an economically sustainable fashion.

AgriProfit$ Economic Analysis and Benchmarks - Benchmark reports by soil zone and crop enable Alberta producers to gauge their productive, economic and financial performance relative to their peers locally and provincially.

AgriProfit$ Cost and Return Budgets - Budget reports by soil zone and crop enable Alberta producers to estimate their productive, economic and financial performance for the upcoming growing season.


  • Crop Choice$ - This software helps crop producers predict revenues and margins for their crop enterprise, as well as the chance of achieving those levels.
  • AFFIRM - The Alberta Farm Fertilizer Information and Recommendation Manager (AFFIRM) is an interactive user friendly system that allows the user to select a crop to be grown, identify the field's agro-climatic region, input soil and crop management practices and enter soil test results from a laboratory report into the model.
  This document is maintained by Gail Atkinson.
This information published to the web on September 13, 2005.
Last Reviewed/Revised on February 23, 2006.

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