International and Intergovernmental Relations, Government of Alberta Government of Alberta

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AB-BC Joint Cabinet Meetings

In October 2003, Alberta and British Columbia held the first of what will be a series of joint Premiers and Ministers' Meetings. The October 2003 meeting was held in Calgary, Alberta. Alberta Premier Ralph Klein and B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell signed a Protocol of Cooperation that committed both provincial governments to working more closely together to the benefit of the provinces and the country as a whole.


April 2006 (Edmonton, AB)


Campbell (left), Klein sign trade agreement 

Photo courtesy of BC govt         

News Release (new browser window)

Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) (PDF, new browser window)

This agreement will give businesses and workers greater access to a larger range of opportunities in both provinces, creating Canada's second-largest economic region.  The agreement has special provisions for energy, transportation, labour mobility, business and corporate registration, and procurement.  A transition period to April 2009 allows both governments to amend legislation or regulations, and include additional sectors. Clear and comprehensive dispute resolution is augmented with dispute avoidance provisions.

MOU on Charter Buses (PDF, new browser window)
This is the first MOU to flow out of the TILMA agreement. This MOU allows licensed charter buses to have equal access to operate in both provinces without undue restrictions.

MOU on Energy Research, Technology Development and Innovation (PDF, new browser window)
This MOU commits Alberta and B.C. to work together on energy research, technology development, and innovation. Both provinces will share information and participate in joint projects and programs.

MOU Declaration on Interprovincial Parks (PDF, new browser window)

Under this MOU, Alberta and B.C. will cooperate to protect, plan, administer and manage provincial parks that abut each other along the borders of our two provinces. The MOU establishes the Kakwa-Willmore Interprovincial Park.

MOU on Kakwa-Willmore Interprovincial Parks (PDF, new browser window)

MOU on Post-Secondary Education (PDF, new browser window)
This MOU calls for cooperation in research and information sharing, and common approaches to advance the quality and availability of post-secondary education in each province (e.g. credit transfer; distance education programs).


March 2005 (Cranbrook, BC)

News Release (new browser window)

MOU Alberta – British Columbia Protocol for a Partnership in Support of Assistive Technology and Other Specialized Services to Students with Special Needs (PDF)

The Provinces' goal is to ensure that a high standard of service delivery for students with special needs is available, affordable, and accessible in Alberta and British Columbia: by creating operational efficiencies and cost savings in the acquisition and delivery of technological resources and provision of training in both Provinces; and by developing strategies and partnerships aimed at providing support for students and professionals who work with the students.

(Note – was signed in September 2004 between the Prince Rupert and Cranbrook meetings.)

MOU on Sharing of Olympic Training and Competition Facilities (PDF)

The objective of this MOU is to provide access to training and competition facilities and programs for athletes, coaches and officials in targeted summer and winter sports.

MOU on Bilateral Water Management Negotiations (PDF)

The purpose of this memorandum of understanding is to outline the process, schedule, principles and information required to negotiate the Bilateral Water Management Agreement between British Columbia and Alberta .

MOA on Controlling Mountian Pine Beetle Infestations (PDF)

The objective of this MOU is to enhance cooperation between the Provinces to control and suppress MPB infestations.


May 2004 (Prince Rupert, BC)

Pre-Meeting News Release | Post-Meeting News Release (new browser windows)

MOU on Cooperation and Collaboration on E-Learning (PDF)

The objective of this MOU is to improve student learning by sharing and developing a wider range of online content, support, tools and resources to educators, learners and parents in both provinces; improve the quality of online courses by utilizing resources and expertise in the design, development and delivery of online content; and enhance the instructional practices related to using technology and online learning.

MOU on Energy Cooperation and Regulatory Harmonization (PDF)

The purpose of this Protocol is to confirm the commitments between the Provinces to work with energy ministries and regulatory agencies to streamline, harmonize and mutually adopt regulatory best practices regulations between the Provinces. This will produce a more effective and efficient regulatory environment, which will result in greater regulatory certainty and sustained investment in energy development in the Provinces.

MOU on Environmental Cooperation and Harmonization (PDF)

The purpose of this MOU is to establish a cooperation framework between Alberta Environment and British Columbia Water, Land and Air Protection to develop and implement collaborative strategic approaches to common areas of environmental management, including regulatory harmonization.

MOU on Public Health Emergencies (PDF)

The objective of this MOU is to respond to surge capacity demands on health systems and health resources efficiently and in a cost effective manner when public health emergencies arise in Alberta or British Columbia ; and to assess current and explore future areas of operational responsibility that could result in efficiencies in the provision of health services in the Provinces.

MOU on Highway Traveller Information Sharing (PDF)

The purpose of this Memorandum is for the parties to work collaboratively toward a coordinated and strategic approach to providing highway traveller information to the travelling public. Highway information will be shared among the three jurisdictions.

Internal Trade Framework Agreement (PDF)

The framework is confirmed as the basis for consultations and negotiation of a comprehensive bilateral agreement to enhance trade, investment and labour mobility between the two provinces.


October 2003 (Calgary, AB)

News Release  (new browser window)

Alberta-British Columbia Protocol of Cooperation (PDF)

The purpose of this Protocol is to confirm the commitments between the jurisdictions to develop cooperative measures and agreements. It will also demonstrate leadership in Canada through the exploration of opportunities for joint initiatives that can expand provincial trade and investment opportunities; pursuit of joint initiatives to promote greater government efficiencies and reduce the cost of public services; identification of best practices and innovations, as well as sharing expertise, in program development and service delivery; and to work cooperatively to influence the federal government's policies and decisions in areas of mutual interest.

MOU on Acquisition and Delivery of Learning Resources (PDF)

The Provinces' objective is to make learning resources more accessible in Alberta and British Columbia by creating operational efficiencies and cost savings for the acquisition and delivery of learning resources in both Provinces.

MOU on Tourism Initiatives (PDF)

British Columbia and Alberta have identified potential partnership opportunities to undertake joint efforts to market and promote tourism and travel to key overseas and North American markets.

MOU on Child Welfare (PDF)

The objective of this MOU is to produce key deliverables in the areas of information sharing on child welfare best practices, database development and strategic planning in areas of common interest.

MOU on Joint Use Vehicle Inspection Stations (PDF)

British Columbia and Alberta will work collaboratively to pursue opportunities to establish joint facilities to streamline and improve the management and regulation of the motor carrier industry between the provinces; will jointly fund the creation of a business plan to determine the feasibility of a project, including a cost/benefit analysis, and establishing joint facilities along the common border to participate together in the regulation of the motor carrier industry; will collaboratively pursue opportunities to share traveler information messaging and technology along the provinces' common border.

(Note – was signed December 2003 between the Calgary and Prince Rupert meetings.)


Other MOUs

MOU on Cooperation in Labour Market Programming (PDF)

The objective of this MOU is to enhance co-operation between Alberta and BC in order to share information and ideas regarding matters such as labour market programming and evaluation, and to determine best practices with regard to such matters; to increase each province's ability to effectively serve its residents through the sharing of such information and expertise; and to improve services and outcomes for each province's income assistance clients, including effective and efficient entry to the job market for employ-able clients.

(Note – was signed in October 2004 between the Prince Rupert and Cranbrook meetings.)


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