Travel Media (Change)

Media Visit Request

Media Visit Request/Information Form

We would welcome the opportunity to have you visit us and experience all that Alberta has to offer. Please fill in this form and click the submit button.

Title of Project or Name of Company/Publication
Please include: mailing address, phone/fax numbers, e-mail address.

Dates of Visit
Please include: arrival/departure times and/or flight details.

Please include: full name, professional status (i.e.. Travel Editor, Freelance, etc), complete contact information including mailing address & email address and any accompanying companions.

Editorial Policy
Describe how this affects any degree of sponsorship of trip.

Audience Profile/Circulation
Please include: type of medium, medium's audience, demographics and geographic coverage.

Feature Content/Story Line/Theme

Commitment to Publish/Broadcast
Describe degree of commitment secured in advance of trip (i.e.. assignment letter, etc.) and estimated date of feature appearance.

Advertising Value of Feature
Please include in Canadian Dollar amounts.

Accommodation Assistance
Required: Yes  No
Type of Accommodation: Hotel   B & B  Other
Room:   Double   Single
Smoking:  Yes    No
Number of rooms required: 

Air Transportation:

Rental Vehicle(s): {Please list drivers}

Specific Services Requested
Describe assistance required in order to fulfill media visit objectives. Include the following: attractions/sights/activities required/interviews, etc.

Additional Comments

By submitting this media request form the party listed above agrees to supply Travel Alberta with a copy of any publicity resulting from the aforementioned visit.

The personal information that you provide to Travel Alberta will be used to help plan your media visit to Alberta. It is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is protected under the privacy provisions of the Act. If you have any questions about the collection of your personal information please contact: Noelle Aune, Director, Travel Media & Public Relations, Travel Alberta International, Phone: 403.509.2525, Fax: 403.509.2598, E-mail:

Alberta Advantage