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Parks & Natural Wonders

National Parks
> National Parks

Established as sanctuaries for wildlife, Alberta’s five national parks contain thousands of square kilometers of unspoiled wilderness. Home to countless species of plant and animal life, the beauty of diverse terrains beckon outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers from around the world. >>>

Provincial Parks
> Provincial Parks

Alberta’s 69 provincial parks and hundreds of recreational areas showcase the diversity of our geography—boreal forests, mountains, foothills, grasslands, lakelands and badlands. There's even a provincial park in the middle of a major urban centre. >>>

Municipal Parks
> Municipal Parks

Alberta's municipal parks are each city's pride and joy. Edmonton has more greenspace than any city in North America. Calgary has the most extensive continuous pathway system. Preserving urban greenspace while providing recreational outlets for residents and visitors is the top priority. >>>

Natural Wonders
> Natural Wonders

Dig for dinosaur bones. Fly over the largest free roaming herd of wood bison in the world. Walk on a receding glacier. Investigate the history of First Nations peoples dating back 6,000 years. No wonder Alberta has 5 of Canada's 13 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. >>>

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