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United States Relations

Relations with the United States are of vital importance to the province for several reasons.

Alberta has close historic ties with the U.S. since many early pioneers immigrated to the province from the U.S. Midwest.

The U.S. is by far the largest destination for international exports from Alberta. Over 90% of all provincial exports abroad are shipped to points in the U.S. Seventeen of Alberta's top twenty international export destinations are U.S. states. Additionally, the U.S. is the source of two-thirds of all foreign investment in the province. Sixty per cent of tourists visiting the province from other countries are from the U.S.

Alberta participates in a number of organizations whose membership includes U.S. states. These include the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER), the CanAm Border Trade Alliance, and bilateral councils with the states of Montana, Idaho, and Alaska.

Below are links to fact sheets with more information about relations between Alberta and the U.S. as a whole, and several U.S. states.


U.S.-Alberta Relations                       Other Related Documents:

(PDF, new window)

                                                        Canadian and American Governance:

Alaska-Alberta Relations                  A Comparative Look (PDF, new  window)
(PDF, new window)                        

Arizona-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

California-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

Colorado-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

Idaho-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

Minnesota-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

Montana-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

North Dakota-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

New Mexico-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

Oregon-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

PNWER-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

Texas-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

Utah-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

Washington-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

Wyoming-Alberta Relations
(PDF, new window)

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