Government of Alberta
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Alberta Environment Interpretation of the Reference Method for the Canada-Wide Standard for Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil Validation of Performance-Based Alternative Methods

This validation procedure is intended to ensure that modifications to the PHC-CWS Reference Method (ISBN 1-896997-01-5) are as accurate and precise or more accurate and precise than the original published method using benchmark procedures.
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Evaluation of Computer Models for Predicting the Fate & Transport of Salt in Soil and Groundwater: Phase 1 Report

This report was prepared by MDH Engineered Solutions Corporation (MDH) for Alberta Environment (AE) to document Phase I of a two phase project to evaluate computer codes applied to predicting the fate and transport of salt in soil and groundwater.
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Evaluation of Computer Models for Predicting the Fate & Transport of Salt in Soil and Groundwater: Phase 2 Report

This report was prepared by MDH Engineered Solutions Corp. (MDH) to document Phase II of a project for Alberta Environment (AE) to evaluate computer codes for predicting the fate and transport of salt (sodium chloride) to facilitate risk-based corrective action. Phase I of the project recommended five modelling codes for detailed analysis in Phase II. The five codes were chosen from a list of almost 250 codes that were ranked on their strengths, weaknesses, and applicability to the AE salt release scenarios.
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Evaluation of Computer Models for Predicting the Fate and Transport for Hydrocarbons in Soil and Groundwater

Environment (AENV) to document Phase I through Phase III of a three-phase project to evaluate computer codes applied to predicting the fate and transport of hydrocarbons in soil and groundwater. The first stage of the process consisted of a literature review to identify modelling codes applicable to the simulation of natural attenuation of various groups of hydrocarbons for typical Alberta soils, landscape and climatic conditions. A database was constructed based on readily available documentation, some discussion with model developers, and in-house expertise and experience of MDH personnel. The results of the review identified over 250 software packages.
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Frequently Asked Questions on the Remediation and Reclamation of Soil and Groundwater

In June 2001, Alberta Environment hosted two workshops in Red Deer, Alberta, to introduce the draft Alberta Soil and Water Quality Guidelines for Hydrocarbons at Upstream Oil and Gas Facilities, Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Guideline for Upstream Oil and Gas Sites, and the Salt Contamination Assessment and Remediation Guidelines. Workshop participants provided written questions to the presenters to answer verbally during the sessions. For the benefit of the workshop attendees and others who are interested in the workshop material, these questions and answers have been drafted into the document Frequently Asked Questions on the Remediation and Reclamation of Soil and Groundwater. Other frequently asked questions on remediation of soil and groundwater have been included to provide readers with broader scope of information.
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Salt Contamination Assessment & Remediation Guidelines

This document is designed to assist those involved in prevention, assessment, remediation and management of salt-contaminated sites.The intent of this guideline is to: Summarize regulatory requirements in Alberta, including salt remediation objectives, develop awareness and understanding of the salt spill problem and the necessity for effective and complete remediation and provide an overview of effective site assessment and remediation procedures.
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