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 Location: Alberta Government > Environment > Protection & Enforcement > Soil & Groundwater > Mailing List Subscription
Last Review/Updated: March 8, 2005

Land Reclamation and Remediation Email Information Service

The Land Reclamation and Soil and Groundwater email subscription lists have been merged as many people subscribed to both lists. Existing subscribers will now be listed on the Land Reclamation and Remediation email information service, which will continue to provide announcements and updates on the Upstream Oil and Gas Reclamation and Remediation program as well as other areas of land remediation and reclamation. Subscription to this list is open to all department staff, industry, consultants, as well as members of the general public.

To Subscribe

Send the following command in the body of an email message (NOT on the Subject: line!) to majordomo@gov.ab.ca:

subscribe aenv-lmp

Please Note: Please make sure your email client (Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, etc.) is configured to send "plain" text and NOT RTF format otherwise the request to majordomo@gov.ab.ca will not work.
After subscribing, you will receive notification of successful sign up via e-mail.

To Unsubscribe

In the event that you no longer wish to continue receiving information from the department, you can easily cancel your subscription by sending the following command in the body of an email message (NOT on the Subject: line!) to majordomo@gov.ab.ca:

unsubscribe aenv-lmp


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