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BearSmart Program Launched for Agricultural Producers

  From the Sept 18, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 879K  
 The province has introduced an agricultural component of Alberta's BearSmart education program in an effort to raise bear awareness among farmers, ranchers and beekeepers.

"Agricultural producers have an important role in preventing and reducing human-bear encounters," says David Coutts, Minister of Sustainable Resource Development. "They can be part of the BearSmart solution, by taking actions such as storing grain securely, disposing of livestock carcasses properly and installing electric fences where appropriate."

Bears eat thousands of calories daily, and most problems with bears are linked to their constant search for food. They have a keen sense of smell and are attracted to crops, fruit, livestock, bees and honey, as well as other food sources including garbage, pet food and bird feeders.

"Fish and Wildlife staff are available to provide advice and respond to problems with bears," adds Minister Coutts. "Producers are encouraged to call their nearest Fish and Wildlife office, rather than try and deal with bear problems themselves."

With more people working, living and enjoying outdoor activities in bear country, the number of problem bear occurrences in Alberta has been increasing. Over the past 10 years, there have been 27 significant human-bear conflicts involving both black and grizzly bears. Two of those people were killed.

The Alberta BearSmart program was first introduced this spring, when information was distributed for residents of communities in bear country and outdoor enthusiasts. The program aims to reduce human-bear encounters, which will enhance public safety, protect property and promote conservation of bears.

To learn more about the Alberta BearSmart program, visit the Alberta Sustainable Resource Development website or contact any Fish and Wildlife office.

Russell Stashko
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
(780) 960-8194


Other Articles From the Sept 18, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  New Board to Set Direction for $100-million Rural Development Fund
BearSmart Program Launched for Agricultural Producers - Current Document
4-H - The Perfect Fit for All Ages
Healthy Business Relationships Mean Healthy Lifestyles
Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ken Blackley.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on September 13, 2006.

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