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Alberta Consumer Champion Awards (ACCA)

Put your best work forward

The Alberta Consumer Champion Awards, now in its second year, recognizes individuals, organizations and businesses that demonstrate commitment and innovation in educating Alberta consumers and promoting fairness in the Alberta marketplace.

Going beyond the ordinary and exceeding expectations are hallmarks of consumer protection. If you have identified a consumer issue and taken the initiative to plan a successful activity, event or program or if you provide ongoing services that empower Alberta consumers through education and awareness, we want to hear from you. Submit your initiative for an award and be recognized for your efforts to champion the rights of Alberta consumers.

The Awards will be presented by the Minister of Government Services at a special Breakfast for Consumer Champions in the Spring of 2007.

Award Categories

This year’s awards will recognize outstanding consumer programs and awareness initiatives in each of the following four categories:

  • Non-profit Organizations
  • Industry/Trade Associations
  • Businesses
  • Media

Awards of Merit and Distinction may be presented in each category.

The Minister’s Award

The Minister’s Award was established to recognize an individual for their long-term outstanding contributions to a fair and just Alberta marketplace. This annual award is presented to an individual who has made a major contribution to consumer protection and awareness in Alberta.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Include a separate official Entry Form (pdf) with each submission.
  2. Make sure you sign your Entry Form. Note: If you are making a submission which names an individual or organization other than yourself as the potential award recipient, you must obtain the consent of the potential recipient and they must sign the Entry Form.
  3. Please organize the information in your submission using the following headings:
    • Addresses a consumer protection issue
    • Incorporates a planned approach involving stakeholders
    • Encourages fairness in the Alberta marketplace
    • Empowers consumer stakeholders
    • Results demonstrate a positive impact for consumers
    • Displays innovation
  4. Your submission must not exceed a maximum of six typed single-sided 8.5” x 11” pages.
  5. Please use 1” margins, one and one half line spacing and 12-point font.
  6. You may include a maximum of three attachments to illustrate your submission (photographs, support materials, visuals, samples, etc.) Please note that attachments form part of the submission and will not be returned.


To be eligible to submit your initiative for an award and be recognized for your efforts to champion the rights of Alberta consumers:

  • You must be an Alberta resident in good standing in your community.
  • Your organization or business must operate in Alberta and provide services or programs directly to and for the benefit of Alberta consumers.
  • You must not have been found in breach of any consumer protection or related legislation in the past five years.
  • You may not have previously received an Alberta Consumer Champion Award for the same program, service or feature.
  • You must use the official entry form and provide all the information required.
  • You or an official representative of your organization must sign the entry form.
  • Your entry must arrive in the Consumer Services Branch office no later than 4 p.m. on Wednesday, January 24, 2007. No entries will be accepted after this time.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries that you may submit, but you must complete a separate entry form for every submission.

    Ministries of the Government of Alberta and their employees are not eligible for these awards.

Judging Criteria

The review panel will be looking for facts and evidence that illustrate how your program or service addresses the following criteria:

Minister’s Award submissions will be evaluated using the same criteria as they relate to the individual’s long-standing contributions in consumer protection and awareness.

A review panel appointed by the Minister of Government Services will evaluate all eligible submissions against these criteria and forward recommendations to the Minister. The Minister of Government Services will select the award recipients. All award decisions are final. Detailed criteria are included below.

Detailed description of the judging criteria for submissions

The review panel will be looking for facts and evidence that illustrate how your program or service addresses the following six criteria:

1. Addresses a consumer protection issue

What is the consumer protection issue you chose to address and how did you identify it as a problem for consumers? The review panel will be looking for

  • a description of the consumer issue being addressed
  • an explanation of how the organization identified the issue
  • an explanation of why the organization chose this project to respond to the issue

2. Incorporates a planned approach involving stakeholders

How did you plan your response to the consumer protection issue and how did you involve the stakeholders that would be affected? The review panel will be looking for

  • a description of the research and assumptions that were applied to the project
  • a list of the project stakeholders and an explanation of how the organization involved them
  • a detailed description of the project including:
    • a description of the approach
    • a description of the product, process, service, event, program or publication
    • a definition of the target audience
    • an estimate of the number of consumers who would receive a direct benefit the objectives of your program, service or event and how they relate to improvement in consumer protection or consumer education

3. Encourages fairness in the Alberta marketplace

How does the program, service or activity champion the rights of consumers and promote fairness in the marketplace? The review panel will be looking for evidence that the program or service

  • reflects knowledge and understanding of relevant legislation
  • meets or exceeds legislated requirements
  • protects the rights of consumers or enhances consumer protection
  • models an approach that achieves fairness for businesses and consumers

4. Empowers consumer stakeholders

How does the program or service support and enable individuals to take action on their own behalf? The review panel will look for evidence that the project

  • creates awareness of consumer and business rights and responsibilities provided under Alberta legislation
  • encourages individuals to take action on their own behalf
  • makes it easier for consumers to ask for help from the organization
  • provides tools that consumers can use to help themselves
  • assists vulnerable consumers (seniors, youth, low income)
  • models how other organizations can empower consumers

5. Results demonstrate a positive impact for consumers

What results have been documented for the program or service to show that consumers have benefited? The review panel will look for evidence

  • that results were formally measured and documented
  • that the program objectives were met
  • of the actual number of consumers that were reached
  • that results have had a significant impact on promoting a fair and balanced Alberta marketplace
  • that program results provide or exceed the level of consumer protection mandated in Alberta legislation

6. Displays innovation

What makes this project unique? What is the creative edge and how has it captivated the attention of consumers? The review panel will look for

  • knowledge and understanding of the target audience
  • a willingness to take a risk to do something new
  • creativity
  • a modern look and feel
  • approaches that can serve as a model for others

Contact Information

Send submissions, including completed forms and supporting documentation to

Alberta Consumer Champion Awards
Alberta Government Services
Consumer Services Branch
3rd Floor, Commerce Place
10155-102 Street
Edmonton, AB T5J 4L4

Phone: 1 (877) 427 4088

Submissions must arrive in the Consumer Services Branch office by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, January 24, 2007. No entries will be accepted after this time.

All submissions become the property of Alberta Government Services and will not be returned.

Alberta Consumer Champion Awards

Alberta in Action

Service Alberta

For more information on Government of Alberta services please visit Service Alberta.

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