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BSE: Managing the Challenges

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 May 20, 2003, the first reported case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) brought many unexpected challenges, as well as insights, to the structure and competitiveness of the Canadian beef industry. These challenges were recognized by the Alberta industry and government, and through comprehensive discussions a Strategic Framework for Repositioning the Industry was developed.

BSE: Managing the Challenges has been designed to provide Albertans with a simple way of accessing information pertaining to BSE. Whether you are a producer, processor, retailer or consumer, these webpages are designed to keep you informed of the critical, ever-changing BSE situation. In addition, these pages provide valuable information to help you make management choices.

This webpage will be kept up to date so that you will have the most current information available. Questions and suggestions can be sent to Duke.

Key contacts
The government and industry have come together to assist Alberta producers to manage the challenges they face due to BSE. This section provides contact information for some of the organizations that play a role in addressing the situation and helping the industry move forward.

Producer information
This section focuses on the needs and management options for livestock producers to use in response to the BSE situation. Topic areas include production, marketing, business and economics, programs, financial counselling, and stress management.

Processor information
Highlighted here are processor industry specific information and statistics.

Consumer information
One of the brightest spots throughout the BSE situation has been the outstanding support of Alberta consumers; the demand for Alberta beef remains strong. This page provides access to expert information addressing definitions of BSE, CJD, impacts to food safety and pricing concerns.

Retail and food service information
Retail and Food Service industry specific resources identified to address BSE definitions, food safety implications, pricing concerns and crisis management.

BSE news releases

Alberta's Six-Point BSE Recovery Strategy

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Amber Gosselin.
This information published to the web on July 21, 2004.
Last Reviewed/Revised on July 13, 2006.

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