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Herbicide Selector

This selector will help you find herbicides to control specific weeds in cropping and non-cropping situations. You can begin the selection by choosing a crop, if you know the crop and leaf stage, and then selecting for the weeds you want to control. Click on the results link to display all the products and registered mixes that can be applied to control or suppress weeds for that situation.

You will only be able to refine your weed selection based on the occurrence of registered products that will control the combination of weeds and crops that you have chosen. The order in which you select weeds or choose crop growth stages may affect the subsequent choices that are available.

You may also select weeds first and discover what crop(s) in which you may be able to control those specific weeds.

More information is also available by clicking the links on the right-hand side of the selector, including specific weed control information or additional crop information if it is available.


Select a crop


Select a weed

Herbicide Reference Links
Herbicide Catalog
Cropping Restrictions
Grazing Restrictions
Varietal Restrictions
Crop Info
Weed Info

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