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 Location: Alberta Government > Environment > State of the Environment > Waste
Print Page | Last Edited/Reviewed: June 6, 2005


As Alberta continues to grow and prosper, the management of waste is a constant challenge. Albertans produce waste through consumer products bought and later discarded. Commerce and industry produce large volumes of waste. If not properly managed and disposed, waste can litter Alberta's landscape and pollute its waterways. Hazardous wastes can pose a threat to human health and safety.

Landfills are used to bury much of the waste, but landfill space is limited. The development of new landfills is expensive and subject to considerable local controversy.

Albertans have a proud history of good waste management. A wide variety of recycling and waste reduction programs is provided. Alberta also has a well-established system for handling hazardous wastes. See Alberta Environment's web page for more information about waste management.

Check out the environmental indicators related to waste to see Alberta's progress in dealing with this ongoing challenge.

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