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Investment Attraction System

The Investment Profiles available on this site are based on standards established by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) and provide a comprehensive set of data for communities to present themselves to site selection consultants and potential businesses. They are available for individual communities, regional marketplaces, census divisions, and labour economic regions.

  • Getting Started
    How to use the Investment Attraction System.
  • Census Divisions
    There are 19 Census Divisions in Alberta as identified for data collection purposes by Statistics Canada. The division boundaries are relatively stable over time and provide a good base for historical analysis of economic activity.
  • Economic Indicator Regions
    There are 14 distinct Economic Indicator regions in Alberta. These areas share common economic ties and are typically comprised of communities working together to foster economic development in their regions.
  • Labour Economic Regions
    There are eight Labour Economic regions profiled within Alberta. These are based on concentrations of labour force activity that share similarities within the region. Statistics Canada publishes monthly employment statistics based on these regional groupings.
Alberta map

Data Sources / Disclaimer:

A variety of data sources are used to provide the information within the Investment Attraction System, including:

The content of this site is provided 'as-is'. Alberta Economic Development makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Alberta Economic Development be liable for any indirect, special, consequential or other damages however caused.

The Investment Attraction System is best viewed at 1024 x 768 screen resolution.

Posted: June 2006
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