Cypress County


Welcome to our wonderful community. We hope the information contained within this profile is useful for all people seeking business opportunities, visitors or residents of Cypress County. If additional information is required, please contact our representative from the "Key Contacts" section. For more information on Cypress County go to our website at and have a nice day!

Area Overview

Cypress County is a large, rural municipality with a diversified economy and a large tax base. The population in 2001 was 6,235 people.

Cypress County is a dynamic, friendly place to do business with strong growth potential. The area is growing rapidly due to an influx of migrants from Saskatchewan and other areas. There are business opportunities in the oil and gas and agricultural sectors of the community, and Cypress County has a skilled, highly adaptable labour force. Couple these opportunities with low land values, low utility rates, and some of the lowest property taxes in the province and there is an unbeatable combination of features for economic growth and development.

The Alberta Advantage
Alberta’s economy is thriving - it has the highest rate of economic growth in Canada at 3.8% in the last ten years! Alberta has also consistently been the province with the highest investment per capita (Source: Alberta Economic Development). Southeast Alberta in particular has a flourishing energy sector, agri-food (including value-added agriculture), research and development in the area of defence, engineering and construction, metal fabrication and machinery, non-metallic minerals, and tourism (Source: Palliser Economic Partnership).


Normal Averages taken by The Meteorological Service of Canada. The averages are taken from 1883 to 1990. These were recorded at the Medicine Hat observing station located at 50d 1' N, 110d 43' W, elevation: 717 metres.

Average Daily Temperatures:
Maximum - High: 27.3C
Low: -5.1C
Minimum - High: 12.2C
Low: -16.4C

Average Precipitation:
High: 56.4mm
Low: 10.3mm
Yearly Average: 322.6mm

Average Snowfall:
High: 20.9mm
Low: 0.0mm
Yearly Average: 108.2mm

Average Rainfall:
High: 56.4mm
Low: 0.2mm
Yearly Average: 230.0mm

Average Sunshine Hours
High: 351.3 hrs
Low: 86.1 hrs

Wind: Average speed 15 km/h and most frequently out of the southwest.

For an updated and more comprehensive list visit the Medicine Hat page at: The Meteorological Service of Canada.

Community Services


Cypress County
Box 108
Dunmore, Alberta T0J 1A0
Tel: 403-526-2888
Fax: 403-526-8958

The Cypress County Council consists of 9 councillors representing 9 electoral divisions. The District has a Municipal Planning Commission, Recreation Board and an Agricultural Services Board. They provide their own planning and assessment services and are members of the Southeast Alberta Travel and Convention Association.


Several provincial departments have offices in Medicine Hat, including Advanced Education, Alberta Agriculture, Alberta Economic Development and Tourism, Alberta Opportunity Company, Child Welfare, Crown Prosecutor, Court of the Queen's Bench, Energy Resources Conservation Board, Family and Social Services, Fish and Wildlife, Medical Examiner-Coroner, Mental Health Clinic, Medicine Hat Remand Centre, Provincial Parks, Provincial Court, Public Lands, Transportation and Utilities, and Vehicle Inspection.


Several federal departments have offices in Medicine Hat, including: Environment Canada, Federal Business Development Bank, Canada Employment Centre, National Defence (CFB Suffield), Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Revenue Canada, and Transport Canada.

Community Lifestyle

Recreation The District offers an extensive range of recreation facilities, and tourism is a growing component of the local economy. The District has a Recreation Board and is a part of the Canadian Badlands initiative. Each hamlet also has a Community Association which operates local facilities. The District also pays a share of the operating costs for the ice arena and curling rink at the Irvine Recreation Complex.

Recreation facilities in the District include playgrounds, golf clubs, community halls, arenas and curling rinks. Several recreation areas provide sites for camping, fishing, boating, water skiing and swimming. Three main parks in Cypress County include: Cypress Hill Interprovincial Park (Elkwater), Cavan Lake Municipal Recreation Area and Sandy Point Municipal Recreation Area. To view more click on: Cypress County’s Tourist Attractions.

Community Organizations

Available throughout Cypress County.

Religious Services

All major denominations are represented in the Cypress County.

Special Annual Events/Attractions

There are a large number and wide range of community organizations, sports clubs, and recreational groups that operate in Cypress County.

Some major events include:

  • Elkwater Rodeo
  • 40 Mile Post Days in Irvine
  • Boxsprings Rodeo

Hospitality & Accommodations

There are numerous restaurants and accommodations available throughout the district.

Economic Base

The basis of the economy is agriculture but there is also a large non-farm population engaged in other pursuits associated with the oil and gas industry, the military, manufacturing, or other pursuits in the City of Medicine Hat.

Cypress County has a diversified agricultural economy based on ranching, dryland farming, and irrigated specialty crops. Total farm area in the County is 3,858 square miles. Farm numbers have remained relatively constant at 950 operators – both small and large operations. Cypress County Agricultural Services.

The following tables outline the agricultural products produced within the County:









Mixed Grains




Alfalfa Mixtures


Canola (Rapeseed)


Dryfield Peas           





Livestock & Poultry


Cattle & Calves




Sheep & Lambs


Hens & Chickens




Source: Agricultural Census, 2001.

Economic Facts

Approximately 55% of the land area is held in long term government leases. The proportion of the land held in this manner has declined as the government has moved to sell some of this land to current lessees. Most of this land is held in the form of unimproved pasture used for grazing. Only 28% of the total area of the District is improved. There has been a gradual tendency for unimproved pasture to be turned into improved pasture and a slight decline in the incidence of summer fallow.

The major agricultural crop continues to be wheat but the total acreage has declined by approximately 4% in response to lower prices. Farmers have moved to fill the gap with oil seeds, particularly canola, being the most notable successor crop. The development of an alfalfa dehydrating plant at Seven Persons has resulted in a significant increase in the total acreage of alfalfa grown in the irrigated areas. There has also been a steady expansion in the number of greenhouses in the District capitalizing on the District's favourable climate and low utility rates.

Livestock numbers have continued to increase but hogs, instead of cattle, have shown the greatest growth. Such diversification is good for the local economy. The total farming area is 2.5 million acres and over 63,000 of those are irrigated (Source: Census of Canada, 2001).  

Major Businesses Products/Services

  • Propane and Ethane Extraction J
  • MT Oil Field Hauling
  • Advantage Oilfield Construction
  • Blondie’s Gift and Garden Centre Ltd.
  • Carlson Wagonlit Travel
  • LaFarge Construction Materials – Concrete Manufacturer
  • Lawrence Meier Trucking Ltd. – Paving Contractor
  • Cypress Packers

Financial Institutions

Financial institutions are located throughout the County.


Cypress County is part of the Medicine Hat Public School District No. 76 (Tel: 403-528-6729) and the Medicine Hat Roman Catholic Separate School District No. 21 (Tel: 403-527-2292), which serves the fringe area surrounding Medicine Hat. The remainder of the area is served by the Prairie Rose School Division No. 8, headquartered in Dunmore (Tel: 403-527-5516).


Daycare facilities are available throughout Cypress County.


The Prairie Rose School Division operates eight schools in the Cypress County: Seven Persons School (1-9), Schuler Elementary School (1-9), Ralston School (1-9), Isabel F. Cox School (Redcliff - K-3), Margaret Wooding School (Redcliff - 4-6), Parkside School (Redcliff - 7-9), Irvine School (1-8) and Eagle Butte High School (9-12).

High school students from the south part of the District attend Eagle Butte High School while students from the north part of the district attend Medicine Hat high schools.


Separate school education is available in Medicine Hat and the surrounding area.

Corporate Education Network (CENetwork)

The Corporate Education Network (CENetwork) is a comprehensive website that promotes a “one-stop-shop” of training services available to individuals and businesses in Southeast Alberta. Users of the CENetwork can research, compare and register for training courses, events, and facilities, all in one centralized online location.

This initiative was made possible through a partnership with Entre-Corp Business Development Centre, Medicine Hat College, Palliser Economic Partnership and Office of Learning Technologies – Human Resources and Social Development.

Visit CENetwork.

Emergency Services

Fire Protection

Fire fighting services are provided by a combination of paid and volunteer arrangements. The District has a reciprocal exchange agreement covering the fringe areas around the City of Medicine Hat. The outlying areas are serviced by volunteer fire departments.

Police Services

Police services are provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Ambulance Services

Ambulance services are administered by Cypress County.

Health Care

Cypress County is part of the Palliser Regional Health District. The Medicine Hat Hospital is the regional health centre providing a full range of services to south-eastern Alberta. There are currently 93 doctors practising medicine in the area. Also part of the Regional Health District is the southeast Alberta Health Unit which provides a full range of extended health care services.

The care of seniors is handled by the Cypress View Lodge Foundation. It provides a full range of housing for seniors extending from self contained units to full nursing home care. There is also a wide range of private and semi-private seniors care facilities located within the City of Medicine Hat.

Key Contacts for Business Development


Cypress County
Box 108
Dunmore, Alberta T0J 1A0
Tel: 403-526-2888
Fax: 403-526-8958

Jack Osadczuk

Lutz Perschon

Keith Bender
Assistant Manager

Joan Deering

Brian Whitson

Dennis Mann
Emergency Services Co-ordinator/Purchasing/Computer Technician

Rick Bleau
Public Works Supervisor

Entre-Corp Business Development Centre Ltd.
#202 – 556 4th Street SE
Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 0K8
Tel: 403-528-2824
Toll Free: 1-888-528-2428
Fax: 403-527-3596

Provincial (Updated December 2004)

Elvira Smid
Alberta Economic Development
109 Provincial Building
346 - 3 Street S.E.
Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 0G7
Tel: 403-529-3630
Fax: 403-529-3140

Gloria Filgas, Information Officer

Hon. Leonard Mitzel
Minister of Environment
Member of the Legislative Assembly [MLA]
Cypress-Medicine Hat Constituency
423 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6
Tel: 780-427-2391
Fax: 780-422-6259

Hon Lyle Oberg
Minister of Learning
Member of the Legislative Assembly [MLA]
Strathmore-Brooks Constituency
#204, 10800- 97 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6
Tel: 780-427-2025
Fax: 780-427-5582

Federal (Updated May 2006)

Monte Solberg
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Member of Parliament [MP]
Medicine Hat Constituency
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Tel: 613-992-4516
Fax: 613-912-6181

Constituency Office:
P.O. Box 640
Brooks, Alberta T1R 1B6
Tel: 403-362-7677

(Medicine Hat)
24 419 3rd St SE
Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 0G9
Tel: 403-528-4698


Cypress County is located in the southeast corner of Alberta.

Cypress County’s Proximity to Other Locations

Driving Distance from Cypress County
Lethbridge, Alberta
Calgary, Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Coutts, Alberta/Sweet Grass (USA) 24 hour Border Crossing
Port Vancouver, British Columbia
Spokane, USA
Seattle, USA

Post Secondary Education

Post-secondary education needs are met by Medicine Hat College, an active community centre. The College offers a wide variety of university transfer, diploma, certificate, trades, academic upgrading, life skills and English as a Second Language programs. Specific courses for business and industry, general interest courses and the conservatory of Music and Dance attracts a large number of participants. Many community organizations and conference participants also make good use of the College's facilities, residences and grounds.


2006 Residential/Farmland Non-Residential

Municipal Tax Rate



Education - Alberta School Foundation Fund Tax Rate & Education Opt Out Tax Rate



Seniors Lodge Accommodation Tax Rate



Mill Rates (2006)

  • Residential – 6.9736
  • Non-Residential – 7.9459
  • Linear – 8.0238
  • Machinery and Equipment – 2.9843


Air Services

The area is well served by transportation facilities. There are direct scheduled connections to Calgary and Lethbridge by Canadian Airlines and Air BC.

Rail Services

The Canadian Pacific Railway, mainline and Crowsnest line parallel Highways 1 and 3 providing regular rail service east-west.


The District is served by three primary highways. The District is traversed from east to west by Highways 1 (TransCanada Highway) and 3 while Highway 41 provides good access to the north and south parts of the region. Secondary highways feed into this primary system giving good access to most areas of the District.

Trucking Firms

  • Lawrence Meier Trucking Ltd.
  • JMT Oil Field Hauling
  • Teroko Industries
  • Nick Linden Construction – gravel hauling

Bus Services

There is daily Greyhound bus service from Medicine Hat to Calgary, Regina and Lethbridge.

Couriers and Taxis

There are 11 courier services based in Medicine Hat.


Electrical Power

City of Medicine Hat [fringe area only]

Tel: 403-267-7110

Natural Gas

City of Medicine Hat
Tel: 403-529-8115

Forty Mile Gas Co-op
Tel: 403-526-7718

AltaGas Utilities Inc.
Tel: 1-866-222-2067


Residential Service: 403-310-2255
Business Service: 403-310-3100

Water Supply

Piped water is available in all hamlets and a number also have sewer treatment facilities. The Hamlets of Dunmore and Veinerville, and a limited area just outside the City of Medicine Hat have access to city water. Consumption charges outside of the city include a $5.00/month base charge plus $0.75/cubic metre for both commercial and residential use.

The St. Mary River Irrigation District supplies Seven Persons, while deep wells supply water to Hilda, Schuler, Suffield and Ralston. Surface water supplies Elkwater and Walsh.

Waste Management

Cypress County is a member of the Cypress Regional Landfill Consortium. The landfill site is located west of Redcliff. There are a number of transfer sites located throughout the District.

Residential sewer rates are $ 8.00 per month, commercial rates are $16.00 per month.


Total Population    
Population 2004* 6,114
Population 2003* 6,114
Population 2002* 6,114
Population 2001** 6,110
Population 2000* 6,235
Population 1996** 5,353
Population 1991** 4,962
Population % change 1991-1996 7.30%
Population % change 1996-2001 12.45%
* Source: Official Population List, Alberta Municipal Affairs
** Source: Statistics Canada 1991, 1996, & 2001 Census

Total Population 1991-2001

Population by Age and Gender  1996 
Age 0 - 4 210 170 380 220 175 395
Age 5 - 14 515 495 1,010 535 500 1,035
Age 15 - 19 230 195 425 290 260 550
Age 20 - 24 165 115 280 165 135 300
Age 25 - 34 365 385 750 320 295 615
Age 35 - 44 570 525 1,095 570 590 1,160
Age 45 - 54 365 310 675 540 490 1,030
Age 55 - 64 245 175 420 315 255 570
Age 65 - 74 115 105 220 185 120 305
Age 75 and older 65 40 105 75 65 140
Total All Persons 2,840 2,515 5,355 3,220 2,895 6,115
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Cypress County Population by Age Group (2001)

Education Statistics

Highest level of schooling for Population 20yrs and older  2001 
People without high school certificates 1,370 33.21%
People with high school certificates 475 11.52%
People with trades or non-university certificate or diploma 1,355 32.85%
People with post-secondary education (not completed) 465 11.27%
People with university diploma/certificate 70 1.70%
People with university degree 385 9.33%
Total Population 20 years and older 4,125 100.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Cypress County Highest Level of Schooling 2001

Population with Post Secondary Qualifications  1996  2001 
Agriculture and biological sciences 155 12.30% 185 10.19%
Commerce, management and business administration 195 15.48% 315 17.36%
Educational, recreational and counseling services 150 11.90% 200 11.02%
Engineering and applied science tech. and trades 420 33.33% 565 31.13%
Engineering and applied sciences 25 1.98% 15 0.83%
Fine and applied arts 70 5.56% 70 3.86%
Health professionals, science and technologies 135 10.71% 270 14.88%
Humanities and related fields 15 1.19% 105 5.79%
Mathematics and physical sciences 20 1.59% 25 1.38%
Social sciences and related fields 85 6.75% 75 4.13%
Other and/or no specialization 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Total people with post secondary qualifications 1,260 100.00% 1,815 100.00%
Females with post-secondary qualifications 565 44.84% 885 48.76%
Males with post-secondary qualifications 695 55.16% 930 51.24%
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Labour Force

Labour force by activity  1996  2001 
In the labour force, both sexes 3,200 3,645
Not in the labour force, both sexes 730 1,035
Total population 15 and over 3,935 4,685
Employed, both sexes 3,100 3,505
Unemployed, both sexes 100 145
Participation rate, both sexes 81.00% 78.00%
Unemployment rate, both sexes 3.00% 4.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)


Labour Force by Industry Division  1996  % of total  2001  % of total 
Agriculture 1,155 36.49% 1,105 30.44%
Mining 160 5.06% 180 4.96%
Manufacturing 130 4.11% 150 4.13%
Construction 215 6.79% 345 9.50%
Transportation. & Utilities 185 5.85% 210 5.79%
Retail and Wholesale 425 13.43% 310 8.54%
Finance 70 2.21% 90 2.48%
Business & Community Services 710 22.43% 1,005 27.69%
Public Administration 225 7.11% 240 6.61%
Total All Industries 3,165 100.00% 3,630 100.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Cypress County Labour Force By Industry - 2001

Labour Force by Major Occupational Groups  1996  2001 
Management occupations 120 3.80% 265 7.30%
Business, Finances and administrative occupations 415 13.13% 450 12.40%
Natural and applied sciences and related occupations 50 1.58% 80 2.20%
Health occupations 70 2.22% 180 4.96%
Occupations in social science; education; government and religion 100 3.16% 145 3.99%
Occupations in art; culture; recreation and sport 40 1.27% 35 0.96%
Sales and service occupations 570 18.04% 655 18.04%
Trades; transport; equipment operators and related occupations 485 15.35% 620 17.08%
Occupations unique to primary industry 1,120 35.44% 1,115 30.72%
Occupations unique to processing; manufacturing and utilities 180 5.70% 90 2.48%
Occupations not elsewhere classified 40 1.27% 20 0.55%
Total - All Occupations (major groups) 3,160 100.00% 3,630 100.00%
Females - All Occupations 1,325 41.93% 1,570 43.25%
Males - All Occupations 1,835 58.07% 2,060 56.75%
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)


Family Income (Number of Families)  1996  2001 
less than $19,999 105 7.42% 135 8.88%
$20,000 - $39,999 460 32.51% 365 24.01%
$40,000 - $59,999 370 26.15% 405 26.64%
$60,000 and over 480 33.92% 525 34.54%
Total number of families 1,415 100.00% 1,430 94.08%
Average family income $54,340   $66,177  
Median family income $47,883   $58,104  
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Household Income (Number of Households)  1996  2001 
less than $19,999 205 11.88% 265 12.99%
$20,000 - $39,999 545 31.59% 435 21.32%
$40,000 - $59,999 480 27.83% 465 22.79%
$60,000 and over 115 6.67% 875 42.89%
Total number of households 1,725 100.00% 2,040 100.00%
Average household income $50,935   $61,298  
Median household income $46,295   $52,390  
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Building Permits

Total Building Permit Values  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005 
Building Permits Value, Commercial $1,921,000 $5,867,000 $5,432,000 $6,974,000 $2,507,000
Building Permits Value, Industrial $6,481,000 $3,872,000 $5,376,000 $382,000 $1,594,000
Building Permits Value, Institutional $0 $114,000 $42,000 $0 $0
Building Permits Value, Residential $10,000,000 $14,759,000 $10,039,000 $8,728,000 $12,483,000
Building Permits Value, Total $18,402,000 $24,612,000 $20,889,000 $16,084,000 $16,584,000
Total Housing Starts 62 87 54 38 54
Source: Statistics Canada 2000-2004 Building Permits (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Total Housing Starts

Value of Building Permits


Occupied Private Dwellings by Type  1996  % of total  2001  % of total 
Apartments 0 0.00% 15 0.74%
Detached Duplexes 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Movable Dwellings 180 10.40% 185 9.07%
Other single attached house 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Row and semi-detached house 10 0.58% 5 0.25%
Single-detached house 1,530 88.44% 1,835 89.95%
Total number of occupied private dwellings 1,730 100.00% 2,040 100.00%
Private dwellings, owned 1,445 83.53% 1,705 83.58%
Private Dwellings, rented 280 16.18% 335 16.42%
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)
Private Dwellings by Period of Construction  # of Dwellings  % of total 
Period of construction, before 1946 180 8.80%
Period of construction, 1946 - 1960 270 13.20%
Period of construction, 1961 - 1970 215 10.51%
Period of construction, 1971 - 1980 565 27.63%
Period of construction, 1981 - 1990 345 16.87%
Period of construction, 1991 - 2001 470 22.98%
Total number of private dwellings constructed 2,045 100.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)


Cypress County Total Farm Area : 950 acres

Farms by Total Farm Area (2001)  # of Farms  % of total 
Farms - Under 129 acres 162 17.07%
Farms - 130 to 239 acres 130 13.70%
Farms - 240 to 559 acres 138 14.54%
Farms - 560 to 759 acres 45 4.74%
Farms - 760 to 1,119 acres 78 8.22%
Farms - 1,120 to 1,599 acres 86 9.06%
Farms - 1,600 to 2,239 acres 80 8.43%
Farms - 2,240 acres and over 230 24.24%
Total number of farms reporting 949 100.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 2001 Census of Agriculture(numbers may not add up due to rounding)

# of Farms by Total Farm Area

Farms by Total Gross Farm Receipts - 2001  # of Farms  % of total 
Farms gross farm receipts - under $9,999 105 11.06%
Farms gross farm receipts - $10,000 to $49,999 288 30.35%
Farms gross farm receipts - $50,000 to $99,999 139 14.65%
Farms gross farm receipts - $100,000 to $249,999 240 25.29%
Farms gross farm receipts - $250,000 to $499,999 99 10.43%
Farms gross farm receipts - $500,000 and over 78 8.22%
Total number of farms reporting 949 100.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 2001 Census of Agriculture(numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Total Gross Farm Receipts

Farming, Continued

Characteristics of Farm Operators 
Age - Under 35 years 165 12.64%
Age - 35 to 54 years 730 55.94%
Age - 55 years and over 405 31.03%
Average age of operators 49  
Number of operators - Female 340 26.05%
Number of operators - Male 960 73.56%
Total number of operators reporting 1,305 100.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 2001 Census of Agriculture(numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Age of Farm Operators


Summary of Projects in Cypress County as of September 2006

Project Sector  Number of Projects  Project Cost 
Power  $360,000,000 
Infrastructure  $5,900,000 
Total $365,900,000 
This inventory lists projects in Alberta that have recently been completed, are under construction, or are proposed to start construction. Not all projects are listed due to reasons of confidentiality and/or due to information not being available at the time of printing. Project data is obtained from public information sources, where possible, this data has been verified with the project proponent/developer, users of the Inventory may wish to confirm project data with the proponent/developer. The inventory does not breakdown project expenditures by any given year. The cost of a project is the value of expenditures expected over all phases of project construction, which may span over two or more years. Cost of projects listed in the Inventory are estimated values only. Source: Alberta Economic Development, 2004.

Value of Projects by Sector (as of September 2006)

Project Status  Number of Projects  Project Cost 
Proposed   $360,000,000 
Under Construction   $5,900,000 
Total $365,900,000 
This inventory lists projects in Alberta that have recently been completed, are under construction, or are proposed to start construction. Not all projects are listed due to reasons of confidentiality and/or due to information not being available at the time of printing. Project data is obtained from public information sources, where possible, this data has been verified with the project proponent/developer, users of the Inventory may wish to confirm project data with the proponent/developer. The inventory does not breakdown project expenditures by any given year. The cost of a project is the value of expenditures expected over all phases of project construction, which may span over two or more years. Cost of projects listed in the Inventory are estimated values only. Source: Alberta Economic Development, 2004.

Largest Projects in Cypress County as of September 2006

Company Name  Project 
West WindEau Inc.  Wild Rose Wind Farm (200MW)  Cypress County (S of Irvine)  $360,000,000  Proposed  
Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation  Highway 1 Pave  Cypress County (W of Redcliff to W of Medicine Hat)  $5,900,000  2006-2006  Under Construction  



Disclaimer: Information in this profile has been provided from a variety of external sources. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy, currency and reliability of the content and data, Ltd. accepts no responsibility in this regard.

© Ltd., 2006.