Wood Buffalo, Regional Municipality of



Total Population    
Population 2004* 67,105
Population 2003* 57,099
Population 2002* 58,317
Population 2001** 41,465
Population 2000* 51,406
Population 1996** 35,213
Population 1991** 0
Population % change 1991-1996 100.00%
Population % change 1996-2001 39.62%
* Source: Official Population List, Alberta Municipal Affairs
** Source: Statistics Canada 1991, 1996, & 2001 Census

Total Population 1991-2001

Population by Age and Gender  1996 
Age 0 - 4 1,495 1,380 2,875 1,490 1,440 2,930
Age 5 - 14 3,275 3,150 6,425 3,335 3,235 6,570
Age 15 - 19 1,510 1,480 2,990 1,840 1,720 3,560
Age 20 - 24 1,350 1,275 2,625 1,710 1,610 3,320
Age 25 - 34 3,125 3,185 6,310 3,705 3,435 7,140
Age 35 - 44 3,875 3,455 7,330 4,200 4,020 8,220
Age 45 - 54 2,620 2,050 4,670 3,775 2,915 6,690
Age 55 - 64 790 585 1,375 1,350 885 2,235
Age 65 - 74 200 210 410 270 275 545
Age 75 and older 65 140 205 90 160 250
Total All Persons 18,310 16,905 35,215 21,775 19,690 41,465
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Wood Buffalo, Regional Municipality of Population by Age Group (2001)

Education Statistics

Highest level of schooling for Population 20yrs and older  2001 
People without high school certificates 5,940 21.02%
People with high school certificates 3,585 12.69%
People with trades or non-university certificate or diploma 11,650 41.23%
People with post-secondary education (not completed) 3,125 11.06%
People with university diploma/certificate 725 2.57%
People with university degree 3,230 11.43%
Total Population 20 years and older 28,255 100.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Wood Buffalo, Regional Municipality of Highest Level of Schooling 2001

Population with Post Secondary Qualifications  1996  2001 
Agriculture and biological sciences 290 2.50% 270 1.71%
Commerce, management and business administration 1,930 16.63% 2,815 17.87%
Educational, recreational and counseling services 1,230 10.60% 1,345 8.54%
Engineering and applied science tech. and trades 5,150 44.38% 7,035 44.65%
Engineering and applied sciences 600 5.17% 920 5.84%
Fine and applied arts 440 3.79% 630 4.00%
Health professionals, science and technologies 870 7.50% 1,290 8.19%
Humanities and related fields 290 2.50% 355 2.25%
Mathematics and physical sciences 205 1.77% 265 1.68%
Social sciences and related fields 585 5.04% 780 4.95%
Other and/or no specialization 0 0.00% 45 0.29%
Total people with post secondary qualifications 11,605 100.00% 15,755 100.00%
Females with post-secondary qualifications 4,690 40.41% 6,590 41.83%
Males with post-secondary qualifications 6,915 59.59% 9,165 58.17%
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Labour Force

Labour force by activity  1996  2001 
In the labour force, both sexes 20,275 26,160
Not in the labour force, both sexes 5,600 5,615
Total population 15 and over 25,875 31,775
Employed, both sexes 18,555 24,970
Unemployed, both sexes 1,720 1,190
Participation rate, both sexes 78.00% 82.00%
Unemployment rate, both sexes 9.00% 5.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)


Labour Force by Industry Division  1996  % of total  2001  % of total 
Agriculture 205 1.03% 70 0.27%
Mining 5,770 28.99% 7,425 28.62%
Manufacturing 520 2.61% 490 1.89%
Construction 1,575 7.91% 2,965 11.43%
Transportation. & Utilities 1,355 6.81% 1,435 5.53%
Retail and Wholesale 2,760 13.87% 3,515 13.55%
Finance 490 2.46% 915 3.53%
Business & Community Services 5,800 29.14% 8,305 32.02%
Public Administration 655 3.29% 845 3.26%
Total All Industries 19,905 100.00% 25,940 100.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Wood Buffalo, Regional Municipality of Labour Force By Industry - 2001

Labour Force by Major Occupational Groups  1996  2001 
Management occupations 1,430 7.18% 2,085 8.04%
Business, Finances and administrative occupations 2,885 14.49% 3,620 13.96%
Natural and applied sciences and related occupations 1,335 6.71% 2,075 8.00%
Health occupations 475 2.39% 765 2.95%
Occupations in social science; education; government and religion 1,115 5.60% 1,355 5.22%
Occupations in art; culture; recreation and sport 285 1.43% 235 0.91%
Sales and service occupations 5,120 25.72% 5,785 22.30%
Trades; transport; equipment operators and related occupations 5,065 25.45% 8,200 31.61%
Occupations unique to primary industry 715 3.59% 895 3.45%
Occupations unique to processing; manufacturing and utilities 1,475 7.41% 915 3.53%
Occupations not elsewhere classified 375 1.88% 225 0.87%
Total - All Occupations (major groups) 19,905 100.00% 25,940 100.00%
Females - All Occupations 8,185 41.12% 10,920 42.10%
Males - All Occupations 11,720 58.88% 15,015 57.88%
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)


Family Income (Number of Families)  1996  2001 
less than $19,999 540 6.58% 750 7.75%
$20,000 - $39,999 970 11.81% 1,120 11.57%
$40,000 - $59,999 1,260 15.35% 1,260 13.02%
$60,000 and over 5,440 66.26% 7,000 72.31%
Total number of families 8,210 100.00% 10,130 104.65%
Average family income $80,298   $93,799  
Median family income $78,549   $90,223  
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Household Income (Number of Households)  1996  2001 
less than $19,999 1,635 13.81% 865 6.28%
$20,000 - $39,999 1,675 14.15% 1,180 8.57%
$40,000 - $59,999 1,830 15.46% 1,645 11.95%
$60,000 and over 930 7.85% 10,080 73.23%
Total number of households 11,840 100.00% 13,765 100.00%
Average household income $70,769   $94,538  
Median household income $68,026   $90,361  
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Family Expenditure

Expenditure Category  1992  % of total  1996  % of total 
Food and Shelter $0 0.00% $195,439,816 36.21%
Clothing $0 0.00% $38,393,787 7.11%
Education and Reading materials $0 0.00% $13,560,122 2.51%
Health and Personal care $0 0.00% $34,774,673 6.44%
Hshld. operationas and furnishings $0 0.00% $60,528,242 11.21%
Recreation $0 0.00% $55,605,599 10.30%
Transportation $0 0.00% $97,136,742 18.00%
Miscellaneous $0 0.00% $44,330,250 8.21%
Total Current Consumption $0 0.00% $539,769,231 100.00%
Total # of Households 0   11,840  
Average Consumption per Household $0   $45,589  
Source: Statistics Canada Family Expenditure Survey 1992 & 1996 (numbers may not add up due to rounding).

Wood Buffalo, Regional Municipality of Family Expenditures (1996)

Building Permits

Total Building Permit Values  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005 
Building Permits Value, Commercial $13,013,000 $31,498,000 $42,344,000 $55,060,000 $219,193,000
Building Permits Value, Industrial $60,913,000 $64,994,000 $21,252,000 $31,549,000 $209,810,000
Building Permits Value, Institutional $864,000 $10,403,000 $10,020,000 $4,710,000 $12,196,000
Building Permits Value, Residential $103,896,000 $139,358,000 $53,564,000 $150,534,000 $190,194,000
Building Permits Value, Total $178,686,000 $246,253,000 $127,180,000 $241,853,000 $631,393,000
Total Housing Starts 1,162 1,452 592 1,033 1,182
Source: Statistics Canada 2000-2004 Building Permits (numbers may not add up due to rounding)

Total Housing Starts

Value of Building Permits


Occupied Private Dwellings by Type  1996  % of total  2001  % of total 
Apartments 2,740 23.14% 3,055 22.19%
Detached Duplexes 75 0.63% 55 0.40%
Movable Dwellings 1,370 11.57% 750 5.45%
Other single attached house 10 0.08% 10 0.07%
Row and semi-detached house 2,165 18.29% 2,155 15.66%
Single-detached house 5,480 46.28% 7,740 56.23%
Total number of occupied private dwellings 11,840 100.00% 13,765 100.00%
Private dwellings, owned 7,705 65.08% 9,810 71.27%
Private Dwellings, rented 4,090 34.54% 3,920 28.48%
Source: Statistics Canada 1996 & 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)
Private Dwellings by Period of Construction  # of Dwellings  % of total 
Period of construction, before 1946 25 0.18%
Period of construction, 1946 - 1960 160 1.16%
Period of construction, 1961 - 1970 1,405 10.21%
Period of construction, 1971 - 1980 6,480 47.09%
Period of construction, 1981 - 1990 3,385 24.60%
Period of construction, 1991 - 2001 2,305 16.75%
Total number of private dwellings constructed 13,760 100.00%
Source: Statistics Canada 2001 Census (numbers may not add up due to rounding)


Summary of Projects in Wood Buffalo, Regional Municipality of as of September 2006

Project Sector  Number of Projects  Project Cost 
Oil, Gas & Oilsands  33  $56,752,000,000 
Infrastructure  12  $642,500,000 
Pipelines  $466,000,000 
Institutional  $185,800,000 
Mining  $163,000,000 
Residential  $142,600,000 
Tourism/Recreation  $137,900,000 
Other Industrial  $109,000,000 
Commercial/Retail  $2,000,000 
Total 75  $58,600,800,000 
This inventory lists projects in Alberta that have recently been completed, are under construction, or are proposed to start construction. Not all projects are listed due to reasons of confidentiality and/or due to information not being available at the time of printing. Project data is obtained from public information sources, where possible, this data has been verified with the project proponent/developer, users of the Inventory may wish to confirm project data with the proponent/developer. The inventory does not breakdown project expenditures by any given year. The cost of a project is the value of expenditures expected over all phases of project construction, which may span over two or more years. Cost of projects listed in the Inventory are estimated values only. Source: Alberta Economic Development, 2004.

Value of Projects by Sector (as of September 2006)

Project Status  Number of Projects  Project Cost 
Announced   $856,800,000 
Completed   $68,300,000 
Nearing Completion   $42,000,000 
Proposed   44  $40,437,600,000 
Under Construction   16  $17,196,100,000 
Total 75  $58,600,800,000 
This inventory lists projects in Alberta that have recently been completed, are under construction, or are proposed to start construction. Not all projects are listed due to reasons of confidentiality and/or due to information not being available at the time of printing. Project data is obtained from public information sources, where possible, this data has been verified with the project proponent/developer, users of the Inventory may wish to confirm project data with the proponent/developer. The inventory does not breakdown project expenditures by any given year. The cost of a project is the value of expenditures expected over all phases of project construction, which may span over two or more years. Cost of projects listed in the Inventory are estimated values only. Source: Alberta Economic Development, 2004.

Largest Projects in Wood Buffalo, Regional Municipality of as of September 2006

Company Name  Project 
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNRL)  'Project Horizon' Mining and Drilling Project phase 1  RM of Wood Buffalo  $6,800,000,000  2005-2008  Under Construction  
Suncor Energy Inc.  'Voyageur' Oil Sands Facility Expansion (Third Oil Sands Upgrader)  RM of Wood Buffalo  $5,900,000,000  Proposed  
Albian Sands Energy Inc.  Muskeg River Mine Expansion  RM of Wood Buffalo  $5,000,000,000  Proposed  
OPTI Canada Inc. / Nexen Inc.  'Long Lake' SAGD Heavy Oil Project Phase 1  RM of Wood Buffalo (near Anzac)  $3,840,000,000  2004-2007  Under Construction  
OPTI Canada / Nexen Inc.  'Long Lake' SAGD Project Phase 2 (Kinosis)  RM of Wood Buffalo  $2,790,000,000  Proposed  
SynEnCo Energy Inc. / SinoCanada Petroleum Corp.  'Northern Lights' Oilsands Mine and Extraction Plant phases 1 and 2  RM of Wood Buffalo  $2,500,000,000  Proposed  
Syncrude Canada Ltd.  Phase 4: Upgrader Expansion Phase 2 / Aurora Mine Train 3  RM of Wood Buffalo (Fort McMurray)  $2,300,000,000  Proposed  
Imperial Oil Resources / ExxonMobil Canada  'Kearl Lake' Oilsands Mine (Kearl Lease 187) Phase 1  RM of Wood Buffalo  $2,300,000,000  Proposed  
Suncor Energy Inc.  Upgrader Expansion  RM of Wood Buffalo  $2,100,000,000  2006-2008  Under Construction  
Albian Sands Energy Inc.  'Jackpine' Mine -- Mining and Extraction Facility phase 1  RM of Wood Buffalo (near Fort MacKay)  $2,000,000,000  Proposed  



Disclaimer: Information in this profile has been provided from a variety of external sources. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy, currency and reliability of the content and data, AlbertaFirst.com Ltd. accepts no responsibility in this regard.

© AlbertaFirst.com Ltd., 2006.