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Alberta Government Home > Financial Careers Home > Competencies > Innovation


Please note: This competency profile will be revised to be consistent with the Alberta public service competency model.


Below is a description of the competency as well as behaviours typically demonstrated by high performers in each classification.

Innovation: Taking risks, adapting quickly to change, leading the change process.
Executive Managers
Enhances processes or products. Develops new approaches. Fosters Innovation in others. Creates a culture of innovation.
Initiates continuous improvements to enhance processes or products.  Adapts quickly to change. Develops new approaches and solutions to problems that have not been previously done.  anticipates change and suggests implementation strategies. Coaches and guides others in developing and implementing innovative approaches.  Facilities change and influences senior decision-makers to implement change strategies. Creates a climate that encourages innovation and receptivity to change.  Leads change and implements effective change strategies.



Ideas for On-the-Job Competency Development
Enhances processes or products.
  • Ask yourself - if I had unlimited resources, what would I do differently?  Look at the ideas you generated and evaluate if you can incorporate some in your daily business.
Develops new approaches.
  • Identify at least one incident this week where you were holding onto a solution or procedure simply because that was the way it has always been done.  Try a novel approach to the problem.
  • When you are solving a problem, do not immediately go with your first reaction.
  • Force yourself to come up with at least three other possible solutions.
  • Look at the differences in the ideas.
  • Before picking a solution, look at your initial reaction and identify why you immediately thought of it.  Is it the best, the easiest, or the way you have always done things?
  • Set a goal for the week to never be satisfied with your first idea.  In every problem-solving situation, force yourself to come up with other ideas and write down the benefits of each idea.
  • Try to come up with as many possible solutions as you can in 15 minutes - quantity, not quality is important in this exercise.
  • Share an idea you have with a friend and work on a possible implementation strategy together.
Fosters innovation in others.
  • Help a colleague or employee use some of the idea generating ideas mentioned above.
  • Be supportive of a co-workers or subordinate's new idea.  Volunteer to help them present it to senior management.
Creates a culture of innovation.
  • Gather feedback from subordinates, co-workers and supervisors on how receptive you are to change.  Discuss with them how you might improve.
  • Publicly recognize your employees or colleagues for their innovative ideas and approaches.
  • Support your employees or colleagues when their ideas don't work.  Help them identify what they will do differently next time.



Type of Support
Ideas for
Developing Staff
  • Encourage brainstorming to come up with new ideas.
  • Encourage discussions about how things could be done differently.
  • When ideas don't work, encourage discussion on what could be done differently next time.
  • Challenge employees to come up with at least one innovation on a particular process or product.
  • Invite a client or service provider to assist in generating ideas for innovations.



  • Describe something you have done that was new and different for your organization, that improved performance and/or productivity.

  • Describe something you have done that would be considered leading edge.  Why did you do it?  How did you do it?


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