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Alberta Family Law Reform Project

Albertans have told us they want family law made simpler and more accessible. In response, Alberta Justice undertook the Family Law Reform Project, a review of all provincial family laws to see how they can be updated, consolidated and made more understandable for Albertans.

As part of the project, Albertans were asked to provide their input on a wide range of issues including spousal and child support, child access and maintenance, and the benefits and obligations of people involved in personal relationships. Input gathered during the consultation was recorded in the Alberta Family Law Reform Stakeholder Consultation Report.

In May 2003, the provincial government introduced Bill 45, the Family Law Act in the provincial Legislature.

The legislation incorporates recommendations from the Alberta Law Reform Institute, the 1998 MLA Review of the Maintenance Enforcement Program and Child Access, and the public consultation for the Family Law Reform Project. It also reflects proposed changes to the federal Divorce Act.

The legislation consolidates provincial family legislation while updating it to reflect current legal practices and making it easier for Albertans to understand.

The bill was passed during the fall 2003 sitting of the Legislature.

Alberta Family Law Reform Project Stakeholder Consultation Report Amendments to the Alberta Child Support Guidelines   
Amendments to the Alberta Child Support Guidelines 
On May 1st, 2006, amendments to the Federal Child Support Guidelines and the Alberta Child Support Guidelines came into force.
May 01, 2006

An introduction to Alberta's Family Law Act 
October 01, 2005

New bill to update and simplify provincial family law
May 14, 2003

Alberta Family Law Reform Stakeholder Consultation Report
October 25, 2002

Alberta Family Reform Workbook
October 25, 2002

Government launches consultation on provincial family law
January 10, 2002

Alberta Law Reform Institute: Child Guardianship, Custody and Access
December 31, 2001

Alberta Law Reform Institute: Child Support
December 31, 2001

Alberta Law Reform Institute: Spousal Support
December 31, 2001

MLA Review of the Maintenance Enforcement Program and Child Access 
May 28, 1998

Alberta Child Support Guidelines
Guidelines to determine child support under the Alberta Family Law Act.

Alberta Queen's Printer - Legislation

Alberta Summit on Justice
Report Card September 2000 provides a status report on the strategies undertaken by the government in response to the eight main themes and 25 core recommendations put forward by Alberta Summit on Justice delegates in their final report.

Child Custody and Access in Foreign Jurisdictions - A Legislative Comparison

Federal Child Support Guidelines
Justice Canada guide to federal child support legislation, initiatives and publications.

Federal/Provincial/Territorial Consultations on Custody, Access and Child Support in Canada

Law Commission of Canada

Why was the Alberta Family Law Act introduced?

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Government of Alberta