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Alberta Children & Youth Initiative (ACYI)

Introduced in 1998, the Alberta Children and Youth Initiative (ACYI) is a collaborative partnership of government ministries working together on issues affecting children and youth. Its vision ensures that Alberta’s children and youth are well cared for, safe, successful at learning, and healthy.

Children and youth issues cross many government ministries. This is both a challenge and an opportunity. The ACYI arose from recognition that a coordinated government-wide effort is critical for the effective and efficient support of children, youth and their families. Working together, government ministries and communities can more effectively address these issues.

ACYI Partners

In addition to ministry champions of Children's Services, Education, and Health and Wellness (together with the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission and the Alberta Mental Health Board), the following ministries comprise the ACYI partnership: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Community Development, Human Resources and Employment, Justice and Attorney General, and Solicitor General and Ministry of Public Security.

ACYI Priorities

ACYI partnering ministries and regional authorities will work collaboratively to implement initiatives that address the following four priority areas in 2004-2005:

  • Children and youth will be well cared for, safe, successful at learning and healthy.
  • Families with children and youth with special and complex needs (developmental disabilities, physical and sensory disabilities, health conditions and/or emotional/behavioural disabilities) will benefit from integrated and coordinated assessment of needs and planning of services and supports.
  • Children and youth are supported and assisted in making successful transitions in their life, from birth to adulthood.
  • Ministries and regions increase their capacity to collaboratively plan and deliver services that promote the well-being of children, youth, and families.

In addition to these priority areas, ACYI ministries continue to coordinate and support several other key initiatives, including:

Visit the ACYI web site for additional resources and information on the initiative.

Prevention of Aboriginal Youth Suicide: An Alberta Approach - Spirit of Hope Newsletter 
The Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy is a cross-ministry initiative of the Alberta Children and Youth Initiative (ACYI). This includes the Ministries of Children’s Services, Health and Wellness, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Seniors and Community Support, Solicitor General and Public Security, Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC), Alberta Mental Health Board (AMHB) and Education.
July 01, 2006

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