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Policing Alberta MLA Review

The Report of the MLA Policing Review Committee was released on July 10, 2002.

Public and stakeholders were asked to review the report and respond by October 15, 2002.

More than 200 responses to the report were received, with some requesting clarification on various recommendations. The MLA committee requested an opportunity to meet with some of those who responded to address their questions.

Following this second round of consultations, the MLA committee submitted a supplement to the original report entitled: Listening to Stakeholders: Input Received by the Alberta MLA Policing Review Committee on the July 2000 Report.

The report, the supplement and other responses from stakeholders are now being considered by the Alberta Solicitor General.

The Government of Alberta responded to the report March 26, 2004.

The Alberta MLA Policing Review Committee has consulted with police, police commissions, First Nations, municipalities, the public and other stakeholders on policing issues in Alberta and in particular on the need for changes to Alberta's Police Act.

The review was launched on October 13, 2000 and a request for public input was advertised in all major daily and weekly newspapers across Alberta.

The Policing Alberta Discussion Paper provided the framework of the discussion and the questions it contained were considered by the review committee.

A print copy of the Police Act may be purchased or accessed for free online from Alberta's Queen's Printer.

For further information contact the Public Security Division of Alberta Solicitor General at (780) 427-3457 (dial 310-0000 to be connected toll-free) or by e-mail at

Terms of Reference

Policing Alberta MLA Review Committee

Committee Mandate
To conduct a public consultation on current policing issues and the Alberta Police Act, and to make recommendations for legislative change to the Solicitor General based on the results of the consultation process.

Committee Membership (April 5, 2001):
Chairman: Judy Gordon, MLA Lacombe-Stettler
Member: Harvey Cenaiko, MLA Calgary Buffalo*
Member: Hector Goudreau, MLA Dunvegan*

*Replacing former members Wayne Jacques, MLA Grande Prairie-Wapiti and Heather
Forsyth, MLA Calgary-Fish Creek.

Committee Responsibilities:

  • Develop a consultation plan
  • Conduct consultations
  • Analyze consultation results and prepare report
  • Recommend legislative changes to the Solicitor General
  • Oversee the drafting of the legislation
  • Submit final draft legislation to the Solicitor General for approval

Policing Review Discussion Paper 

Report of the MLA Policing Review Committee 

Report of the MLA Policing Review Committee (HTML)Government Policing Plan and Response to MLA Policing Review Committee Report 
March 26, 2004

Provincial policing standards and enhanced civilian oversight coming for Alberta police services
March 26, 2004

Listening to Stakeholders: Input Received by the Alberta MLA Policing Review Committee on the July 2000 Report 
March 31, 2003

MLA committee recommends changes to policing in Alberta
Policing Alberta MLA Review
July 10, 2002

Appointments to Policing Review Committee
April 05, 2001

Policing Review Committee - Public Questionnaire

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