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Government MLA Review of the Private Investigator and Security Guards Legislation

The security industry in Alberta has seen significant growth over the years due to increases in population and the need for individuals and companies to take greater steps to protect themselves and their property. There are approximately 5,900 licensed security guards, 120 licensed security guard companies, over 700 licensed private investigators and 200 agencies operating in Alberta. In addition, over 1,100 locksmiths and roughly 1,300 individuals who require vehicle entry tools are licensed.

The industry is governed by the Private Investigator and Security Guard Act, which has not been significantly updated in over 40 years. In April 2005, Alberta Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security, Harvey Cenaiko appointed Calgary-Foothills MLA Len Webber to conduct a comprehensive review of the legislation to modernize it and ensure the private security industry is integrated into the province’s overall strategy for public safety.

The review and resulting recommendations were drafted after extensive consultations, 200 submissions and over 40 meetings with several businesses and organizations including; security guard companies, private investigators, the locksmith industry and police services.

Message from the Minister
Message from the MLA, Chair of the Review
Project overview
Related documents

Message from the Minister

Minister Cenaiko

The private security industry plays a critical role in the safety of Albertans. Over the last several decades the industry has grown and changed steadily; however, the legislation hasn’t kept pace with the modern private security environment in Alberta.

The present legislation originated with the Private Detective Act in 1948, which further evolved into the Private Investigator and Security Guards Act in 1965. The report of the Government MLA Policing Review Committee, which was released in July 2002, recommended that a comprehensive review of the act be initiated. This review is crucial to strengthen the industry’s standards and reflect the security industry of today and the individuals who work in it.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the businesses , organizations and individuals who participated in the review. Your views and ideas will provide us with a framework to develop new and efficient legislation that will help make Alberta a safer and more secure place for our families and communities.


Harvey Cenaiko
Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security

Message from the MLA
Len Webber, MLA for Calgary-Foothills

Project overview
Provides information on the phases and tasks associated with this initiative.

Consultation paper
Submission deadline was June 9th, 2006
April 21, 2006

Cenaiko appoints MLA to review private security legislation
May 05, 2005

Alberta Solicitor General Annual Report 2003 - 2004
September 30, 2004

Licensing Requirements, Private Investigators
October 31, 2002

Licensing Requirements, Security Guards
October 31, 2002

Private Investigator and Security Guards Act;=htm

Private Investigators and Security Guards Regulation;=htm

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Government of Alberta