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Review of the Police Service Regulations

Alberta Solicitor General and Public Security is revamping the province’s Police Service Regulations and was looking for input from Albertans.

The department called for written submissions for its review of the regulation that deals with police officer conduct and discipline, officer training standards and probationary periods for new and promoted officers.

A discussion paper was distributed to the following organizations:

  • All Commission Chairs (Municipal and First Nations)
  • All Chiefs of Police
  • Commanding Officer RCMP “K” Division
  • Alberta Association of Chiefs of Police
  • Alberta Federation of Police Associations
  • Alberta Association of Police Governance
  • Chair – Law Enforcement Review Board
  • Executive Director – Alberta Urban Municipalities Association
  • Executive Director – Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties
  • Alberta Law Society
  • Alberta Civil Liberties Association

Deadline for submissions was January 31, 2006.

Police Service Regulations Discussion Paper 

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